Fire Recovery Fund for Bob and Pam
Hi. I'm a friend of these two wonderful people, and I need your help. This is Bob and Pam Starnes (and their adorable animals). For those of you who don’t know them personally, their house and almost everything they own burned down in the LNU lightening complex fires. They prioritized the safety of their farm animals and dogs over all of their material possessions.
They’re rather independent, so it took a little bit to get them to agree to this.
Pam and Bob don’t ask for help. If anything, they’re always the ones to give help. Even now, they're taking money out of their own pockets to make sure that their employees are getting paid and are taken care of before taking care of their own needs.
They’ve helped me and so many people I know over the past few years that I’ve known them. And, to be honest? I love them. They’re like family and I want to do anything I can to help. They’re some of the nicest, most genuine, hardworking people that I’ve ever met, which makes it even more horrible that this happened to them.
And despite everything that they've been through in the last few weeks, they're still smiling, still just trying to do their best, still being the wonderful people they are and trying to make plans for the future.
If you know someone who's been effected by the fires and you know how hard it is or if you have a few dollars to spare to help them get back on their feet, please, donate.
It's going to take a lot of time, effort, and money to clear away the wreckage of their house, to rebuild, and to keep all of their dogs and farm animals fed, happy, and healthy, and a little support will help them so much.