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Fire took house--help rebuild home

Donazione protetta
On March 19, 2018, a fire tore through a homestead in Braintree, VT—on Bent Hill.  That was our home, Ted and Rose Olmstead.  We were at home, in the middle of fixing dinner when we noticed smoke and then, the fire that seemed to explode.  So much smoke that we were lucky to find our way out.  We lost everything we owned and loved.     

Ted has retired; however, he is an experienced builder and is drawing up a plan to rebuild on our property.  We will need everything that goes with building a house and furnishing it for daily life. 

We will need the lumber for framing up the house and putting on a roof, the insulation and plywood, the plumbing fixtures (toilet, bathtub, sinks), the electrical fixtures throughout the house (overhead lights, lamps), kitchen cupboards, stove, refrigerator and furniture to sit down on, at the end of the day.

We estimate that the initial costs of framing up the house will be approximately $10,000.  Costs for completion will be an additional $30,000. We will need donation of labor in the construction of the house, and welcome donations of building materials and, later on, furniture and appliances.

We are accepting donations immediately.  We have opened up a separate savings account and have deposited donations recently received in hand.  Due to mud season, we are having to delay clearing the debris, until the  heavy equipment can get in.   

As Rose’s boss at the Randolph Senior Center, a small non-profit senior center in Central Vermont, we have been fortunate to have Rose on our staff.  We encourage everyone to send in a donation to help Rose and Ted get back on their feet.  Rose has been employed as our cook for over 20 years and she has been invaluable, not only for her loyalty and dedication to getting meals prepared and delivered for the meals on wheels, she also makes people feel welcome.  Rose will be 60 years old in April and retirement looms.  We would like to see Rose and Ted settled into their new home as soon as possible—we welcome any help to ensure that this happens.


  • Anonima
    • $5,000
    • 6 yrs

Organizzatore e beneficiario

Emilie Daniel
Randolph, VT
Rose Olmstead

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