Firefighter Fighting Brain Tumor, Cody Mooney
Donation protected

God started our friendship in 9th grade. He has been my Best Man from day one, proving it by being the Best Man for each others wedding days. A lot happens between 9th grade and 31 years old. Cody was one of my first brothers in Christ. He has been and is still the example I strive to be like. Not only do I look up to him as a brother in Christ but as a brother in the Fire Service. With growing up together we both took the path to becoming firefighters. Although we are in different states now, we are still brothers in both respects. This man is who you dream of having as a friend, husband, father, son and brother. I wouldn't want anyone less coming to my rescue.
Please join me in helping relieve some of the financial stress that comes with this trial. Your contributions will be used to cover the $7000 deductible for Cody's surgery and related appointments and for hospital costs with the birth of their newest addition in March. Donations will also be used for their youngest, Georgia's, up coming surgery. The kids are on a separate insurance and have a deductible of their own. These alone will cost a minimum of $10,000 out of pocket, just this year, for the Mooney family. The goal is set at $15,000 as of now and that "extra" $5000 is for fuel cost (45 min drive minimum to Dr.'s), flights, food, hotels for them and for family to help with the kids, and moving costs in the spring as they will be having to move out of their current home. This is just for the basics! Let's at least take care of that for them. Any and all donations are very appreciated, Let's make a difference for the Mooneys! Thank you in advance.
Below is a letter written by Emily to all of you. It has more detail of their circumstances and will give you a clear picture of what they are facing. Again thank you!
In June of 2017 we experienced God working in crazy ways that lead us to the finding and diagnosis of a tumor growing in Cody’s brain stem. Due to the location, the risk of surgery and over a 60% chance of
post-op deficit, we chose together as a family to wait and monitor things, as it was not affecting his quality of life or ability to work at the time. Living with the reality of a tumor growing in your brain is a weird thing to balance emotionally. But we feel extremely grateful for this time together as a family, living and enjoying life so intentionally for any amount of time that God would give us. It has helped us to accept and
prepare as much as possible for the season we currently find ourselves in.
Since Christmas Cody has noticed/developed new symptoms, and tests have now confirmed a 50% growth with an immediate need to proceed with surgery, both due to his symptoms and the risk of
hemorrhage due to the tumor becoming more unstable the larger it gets. Cody will be undergoing surgery on February 13th. The length of surgery will depend greatly on what they find once they get inside. But it could take most of the day as they will be removing part of his skull, part of C1 and C2, and then attempt to remove all of the tumor without damaging the surrounding tissue and nerves. Apparently all kinds of
very important things pass through your brain stem so you can’t get too carried away while your cutting ;-)
We of course were hoping for more time before this surgery became necessary, but are so thankful for
the ability to trust in God’s perfect timing for Cody, and for our family. He has given us peace, direction, and brought the right people, doctors, and surgeons to us during all of this. We are moving forward
confident that this is all in His perfect time and plan.
Cody’s recovery will require him to take a minimum of 12 weeks off from work since his responsibilities as a firefighter require such potential for physical exertion. His recovery requires time for his brain to heal and post-op swelling to go away, as well as the many neck muscles and nerves that will be affected due to the large size of the incision that is needed to get clear access to the tumor. There will be countless appointments, which requires a lot of extra driving since we live up in the beautiful mountains and not just down the street from our neurosurgeon. We will have family coming to stay with us and help with the kids so Emma can focus on helping Cody recover quickly and fully. Additionally, our family is anxiously anticipating the arrival of our fifth baby in March! We are praying she is strong and healthy and that mom
and baby all bounce right back into “normal” life around here. But there is a chance that she, like two of her siblings, will be born with a genetic disorder requiring surgeries and other medical procedures not
long after birth. We also know that our youngest daughter will be going in for her next surgery this spring!
We know that no matter the details, the outcomes, and the timing of all of these things, we will have what
we need to walk the days, weeks and months to come. It won’t always be easy, but God is always faithful. We so appreciate your prayers of safety, healing and comfort over Cody and our family during this time
along with all your support. We feel so loved and blessed already by the amazing family and friends we have surrounding us!
Love The Mooney Family
Cody, Emma, Willow, Barrett, Weston, Georgia & Baby Girl Due in March
Sam-Kelsey Phelps
Divide, CO