First Fire Studios, LLC's Moment of Truth
The entertainment industry was among the industries hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most entertainment workers were out of work indefinitely, having no knowledge of when they would be able to work in their chosen field again. Even many of the common "day jobs" with flexible schedules that entertainment workers often rely on to make ends' meet outside of the entertainment world, such as restaurant jobs, were no longer an option. The entertainment industry is currently working to get back on its feet, but the lasting impact of those COVID-related shutdowns still lingers on.
We, the First Fire Studios team, seek to use the medium of our art to explore the pandemic’s effects on mental health, relationships, and careers, all while employing artists who have felt a particularly grievous loss of income and opportunity. We are an independent film company currently fundraising to make the first installment of our original "Moment of Truth" short film series a reality. With your help, we can make it happen!
"Moment of Truth" (The Limited Series) was written by Joe Caputo, Tim Stainrod, Adriana Nocco, and Emma Grace Waters, four members of the entertainment community who have been greatly affected by the industry wide shutdowns. The initial idea to write this limited series of short films became a weekly Zoom writers' room, which became a screenplay. Each of the four parts of "Moment of Truth" follows one of four individuals who reexamine their authentic selves, interpersonal relationships, and priorities in a myriad of ways as they cope with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each one must decide what is worth holding onto, and what must be let go of...
THE FIRST PART OF THE SERIES, the installment we are striving to make first, is entitled "The Martial Artist." This first installment of the series follows a forlorn martial artist who fights for his will to live and against the forces of depression as his world and means of coping are whittled to the bone by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are raising funds to cover essential production costs that the making of “The Martial Artist” would entail, and we need your help!
-Employ a talented and diverse team of cast and crew to make "The Martial Artist" a reality
-Create a piece of work that many people can relate to, one that will also launch the "Moment of Truth" project as a whole and thus lead to the financing and making of its three other installments
-Safely put artists back where they want to be: on set!
The money you donate will go directly to the following staffing costs: Cinematographer, Director, Editor, Colorist, Boom Operator, Sound Designer, Lighting Designer, Camera Crew, and On-Camera Talent. This piece requires top notch visual effects, and we especially want to ensure that we have the right funds to hire the top notch talent to execute them in post-production.
We intend to apply for, and follow all established rules of, a SAG-AFTRA Small Budget Web Series Contract.
This web series will also function as a pre-viz, potentially leading to future opportunities for work and creative output where we could continually employ artists on a normal, full-time basis. To give performers work in their field again through this project would be a joy and a privilege.
First Fire Studios Website
Sincerely, The "Moment of Truth" Team,
Joseph Caputo, Proprietor, Writer/Actor.
First Fire Studios, LLC
Adriana Nocco, Writer/Actor.
First Fire Studios, LLC
Tim Stainrod, Writer/Actor.
First Fire Studios, LLC