Aboriginal Designer and Model hit NYFW Flying Solo
Donation protected
Update - Please share to your networks who you think will donate.
Jingi Walla (Hello) everyone,
As the New York Fashion Week, Flying Solo Runway is early next month (3rd to 10th September 2023) time is creeping up. We may not raise what we are asking but every cent counts an make a difference for not only Jahna to get to New York but also the rest of Team Buluuy Mirri.
First Nation Designer, Colleen Tighe Johnson, Buluuy Mirrii and her team needs financial support to get to New York to take part in the Flying Solo runway.
Jahna will be the only First Nation Model and Ambassador for Buluuy Mirrii during New York Fashion Week and only First Nation Model on the Flying Solo Runway. Jahna will walk with pride and represent Buluuy Mirrii and more so her culture, her identity, her nation and mob. This opportunity will create a Pathway and inspire other young first nation youth to step on a Runway with pride and confidence or as a career.
This is the first time Jahna will be stepping on an international platform as a model. So please donate and let her have this opportunity. Colleen has applied for so many funding to get her team and model to NY, she has had no luck and have been knocked back over and over. This was our last resource by setting up a gofundme page. If we don't meet our target then Buluuy Mirrii will have to withdraw her position on the Flying Solo runway, NY fashion week and Jahna will not have this opportunity. This is an invitation event, it would be disappointing if they can't go.
So please be supportive and generous. Spread the work, push the interested of donations.
Jahna Lugnan, Model – First Nation first model
Jahna is a young emerging artist in fashion, modelling and dance and is from the Bundjalung and Gumbaynggirr Nations. The opportunity for Jahna to step on the international runway will encourage and empower her confidence and self-esteem. Jahna will be Buluuy Mirrii’s Ambassador and will set examples for other young emerging First Nations’ models and youth to follow similar pathways. Jahna will be sharing and representing the richness of her culture, identity as well as the culture and traditional storyline behind Colleen’s Buluuy Mirri garments/collection.
Jahna has a background in creative artists, dance and modelling with a passion in fashion. Jahna is currently part of the Qantum Leap (QL2 Production) Dance Company in Canberra, Dream Danz, Canberra and a member of the Nini Nahri-Gali Dance Troupe in Lismore NSW, where she performs traditional and contemporary Aboriginal dance. Jahna is also involved in her mother’s business, Guyamgan Bahna Fashion that delivers youth workshops in mental health, suicide awareness, leadership and mentoring and who will be delivering their second Fashion shows on the Gold Coast in 2024.
Jahna other photoshoots - modelling and runways.
Photoshoots - Barefoot Wandering, Coffs Harbour, NSW; My Tailoress Boutique Lismore, NSW; Euflorial, Toormina, NSW; and Spell Boutique Store, Byron Bay, NSW.
Modelled – Gold Coast Fashion Project, The Next Gen Runway and Teen Show for designers. Labels included: High Wasted Society, Gold Coast; Aleigha The Label, Australia; Hidden Skate Co, QLD; My Cupcake Addiction; PM Surf (First Nations designer, Maria Bolt), and international designer, The Stylish Stina.
Jahna Lugnan are a young emerging models who will take part in the New York Street photoshoot. Jahna is part of Miyay Mirrii Youth Development Program delivered by Colleen.
Colleen Tighe Johnson – Designer, Buluuy Mirrii
First Nation Fashion Designer, Colleen Tighe Johnson, founder of Buluuy Mirrii, 2008. Colleen is a proud Gomeroi Yinarr (woman) originally from rural Moree, NSW, currently resides in Tamworth, NSW.
Colleen uses her unique creative talents to harness the spirit of her ancestors to revive the Gomeroi Dreaming Stories through fashion. Every ‘collection’ is a visual expression of her Aboriginal culture, connection and identity. Most importantly, her work uniquely places Aboriginal cultural story within high-end fashion.
Colleen’s vision and exposure has established relationships and opportunities, within Australian and Internationally through nationwide and overseas runways and fashion shows. These opportunities had extended her business to make her label a household name and pave the way for future Aboriginal designers.
Her long-term vision is to establish a 100% Aboriginal owned fashion house in Australia, providing economic benefits and sustainability across Aboriginal communities.
Colleen has successfully created designs in collaboration with local Gomeroi artists to tell
dreaming stories on textiles and building the Buluuy Mirrii brand in Domestic and International high couture circles for 21 years.
Buluuy Mirrii, meaning ‘black star’ in Gamilaraay language, intrinsically weaves the past, present and future of aboriginal culture, respect of mother earth and sustainable practices to become an iconic Australian brand in the fashion industry.
Colleen’s impact in her community is extensive. It’s profound. Through her energy and passion, she is creating exquisite designs and work closely with mentors, Elders and role models to achieve great achievements and outcomes.
Buluuy Mirrii is synonymous with Aboriginal Dreamtime stories and contemporary style, fashion and couture.
Buluuy Mirrii’s label incorporates a social enterprise, the Miyay (girl) Mirrii Youth Development Program, which provides.
• mentoring,
• cultural development,
• self-esteem and life-skills
• fashion industry training for
• deportment
• healthy lifestyle choices, and
• the importance of engagement with education.
Colleen delivers workshops across the NSW and would like to extend these workshops to other states across the nation and exchange her social enterprise with international guests.
Team Colleen, Buluuy Mirrii
Team Colleen, Buluuy Mirrii, consist of an Assistant Manager, Photographer and Events Coordinator (admin, organise accommodation & travel, Support Designer, team and Model).
Model: Jahna Lugnan (Bundjalung and Gumbainggirr Nation
Colleen team of expertise provides their time to make sure Buluuy Mirrii outcome is successful at all Fashion events nationally and internationally.
Everyone volunteers their time and not as a paid employment. Most cost are derived from their own pockets when attending Australian nationwide events/fashion shows, but as the New York Fashion Week, Flying Solo Runway is an international event, this is all new to Colleens team and is very costly for their own pocket.
(Budget Breakdown) Help and support cost associated for Colleen, Team and models.
Flights - Return
• Designer: Covered
• Assistant Manager: Covered
• Photographer: $3361.39
• Events Coordinator: $3361.39
Models’ flights:
M 1 - $3361.39
Accommodation – 8 nights (Sunday 3rd – Monday 11th September 2023) – Shared rooms (doubles beds in each room)
• Designer & Assistant Manager: Covered
• Events Coordinator & female model & Photographer – AUS $4074.62 (share)
Total associated costs: $14,158.79
Assistance for help and support of $10,000.
New York Fashion Week, Flying Solo (3rd – 10th September 2023)
New York Fashion Week, Flying Solo is the largest display of independent fashion designers in New York and is a collective of independent designers leveraging the power of collaboration to create growth and scale in their businesses.
New York fashion week in the pinnacle for any independent designers, to qualify you must be invited. Flying Solo applicants are viewed as serious independent designers with an edge to engage buyers.
Throughout the 7 days each designer will be photographed, interviewed and introduced to commercial and couture (Made to measure) signature pieces.
Colleen Tighe Johnson, Buluuy Mirri and Models Jahna Lugnan will be exposed in the spotlight of international media and the press. Some of these media and press are, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Elle, NYLON, Marie Claire, Bazaar, WGSN, L’Offciel, Fashion Magazine and the ENews
The Help and support will cover cost that is associated to get Team Colleen, Buluuy Mirrii New York and Return. This cost entail travel (flights, airport transfers) and accommodation.
Colleen Tighe Johnson, Bulluy Mirri and Jahna, is providing a pathway for other young emerging First Nation youth to follow their dreams as a model, fashion designer or career pathways that enable them to become photographer, Business partner, dresser, hair & makeup artist, media, Event manager etc).
Thank you for listening and sharing.
Kathleen Bolt
Wanniassa, ACT