First Nations Fire Knowledge Land Lore
As a result of horrific fires in Australia, Aboriginal Traditional Owners are building a coalition of Aboriginal Fire Lore holders who are Sovereign Peoples of their nations to be accessible to the wider community, to the Rural Fire Service in each State and Territory, and to you.
Why: Because the Federal and State Governments of Australia have failed to protect land and its own citizens, animals and environment which we all share.
How: Rural Fire Services needs to imbue Traditional Owners practices, knowledge and land systems into how they manage land, and there is always resistance or financial constraints to do this adequately in each neighbourhood, local council, state area or national park.
Traditional Owners are taking back the leading of this issue using knowledge, and want to make it accessible so there are NO MORE excuses.
This will mean the public, the community and the RFS can find and access Traditional Owners to begin to prepare adequately for the next month, the next summer and the next years while the world turns and hopefully, politics reorientate their focus to land and people and not profit and corporates.
All of the Traditional Owners involved already teach Land Lore, Aboriginal Practice of Land Care and Reading Country in schools, groups, community, and even to the RFS.
We are doing this work now, and with this campaign, we can build that presence and the effectiveness in extending it and making it a daily practice.
This is the Aboriginal Land Lore offering its gift of Country Care to Australia.
This support which we hope will reach 10Million or more will allow Traditional Owners to lead their nation in joint regional and national approaches to Land Lore and it people's care.
Let us teach your children, teach your community and let's begin again...
Support Traditional Owners in leading a prevention plan against the damages of Climate Change.
Currie Country is a Traditional Owner Cousin Consortium and will work with and share all funds raised equally with other Traditional Owners who are committed to Land Lore and Practice.
Currie Country is in partnership with Kooma Traditional Owners, whose Country sits atop the Artesian basin, western Queensland.
Currie country are starting cultural burning in April through to September and we include our families and children to observe and see how good smoke interacts with country, and teach and lern cermoney which follows fire work.
Currie Country have begun this work, we began in February and March and will led the first Cultural Burn on areas in South East QLD from March 23 (weather permitting) with a view to burn all of the cool months, and through the winter on ground that has not been burnt for over 22 years.
We intend to share some of that experience of listening to country, seeing how the flora and fauna respond to good smoke and see the elegance and gentleness of ongoing fire management works in responding to Country, with other TO in the region of SE QLD and Far North NSW.
Your donation will be used for education and certification of some TO who wish to undertake weed work in preparing of Cultural Burning and for those who will also have a safety fire qualification to ensure safety for all neighbours to lands that we burn.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for those that donated.
One of the goals is buy a fire truck with units ( fire suits so that that can form part of the fire containment prevention). They are valued at 40-50k and would be shared in the region between TO that are burning.
If we raise more we will purchase 3/4 of these ute/with fire units for Kooma, Bunya Rangers and Currie Country.
All of these three Traditional Owner Groups have country within the Ombi Ombi dreaming stretches from Wollumbin (Tweed Coast) to Mt Barney, Middle Range, Bunya Mountains (great dividing range) and Glasshouse Mountains.
There's five ancient volcanos peaks hold the spiritual story of SE QLD mobs, and the story is of Ombi Ombi.
Read about Kooma People Native Title here
Kooma Traditional Owners Association Inc DGR (pending)
ABN 40 074 899 397
They are registered as Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) under the Native Title legislation and their country is Cunnamulla way and included Artesian Basin.
Read about Bunya Peoples Aboriginal Corporation
ABN 48 920 483 792 and registered for DGR.
Their country is all near Bunya National Park (QLD) and covers Burnett area of the Wakka Wakka peoples in SE QLD.
Read about Currie Country ABN 94 618 522 295 DGR (Pending) for Cultural and Heritage Branch
Follow the work we are doing with cultural burning and as part of Cultural and Heritage Branch here and follow us on Instagram/Facebook for updates on Cultural Burning as we commence the work.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. We appreciate your game changing support.
If you would like to directly support Kooma Peoples and Bunya Peoples with utes and fire units please contact them directly by following the links.
We will keep this campaign open all year until the next summer, with hope to grow support to do more prevention work and activities on our own Nations
Thank you Thank you