Fitness 4 Keyworkers
As a keyworker with vulnerable adults working through the pandemic, I have seen firsthand how important an issue mental health has always been, and is now growing. Folkestone Sports Centre Trust is offering a programme to support keyworkers who have worked through the pandemic and who have suffered extreme stress anxiety & fatigue as a result.
I am aiming to run and walk 200 miles in March inspired by Captain Sir Tom Moore, to fund as many referrals to the programme as possible.
For every £100 I raise, FSC Trust will add a further £50 which will fund a 3 month membership for a local keyworker.
Please help me in supporting keyworkers in our community by donating what you can. Thank you.
I am aiming to run and walk 200 miles in March inspired by Captain Sir Tom Moore, to fund as many referrals to the programme as possible.
For every £100 I raise, FSC Trust will add a further £50 which will fund a 3 month membership for a local keyworker.
Please help me in supporting keyworkers in our community by donating what you can. Thank you.
Corrie Shackle