Fix Radio Vorokodohodo TSIHOMBE, MADAGASCAR!
Tax deductible
Salama Ry Longo! We Need Your Help!!
We (Tsimihole & VazahaMax) are raising funds in order to fix the broken transmitter to get cultural Radio Station Vorokodohodo up and running again in Tsihombe, Madagascar. Funds are being received and disbursed by the non-profit/ONG Nofy i' Androy, a young women's education program that operates in Southern Madagascar.* Nofy i' Androy will be offering young women's educational programming on the Radio.
Radio Vorokodohodo was started in 2004, with assistance from Andrew Lees Trust, to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS in Southern Madagascar and to serve as a voice of the people. It is a unique radio station in Madagascar, as it is broadcast in the local dialect of Tandroy and it plays traditional Tandroy Beko music in addition to other Malagasy music, pop music, and a lot educational and cultural programming. Radio Vorokodohodo also sponsors and produces the Rebeke Tandroy Music Festival. The station is used as a development tool with farmer to farmer educational programs and programming around nutrition and health.
What we will spend the funds on:
- Dual BLF terminal for the transmitter x (2)= 3.000.000Ar (order from Europe)
- Fees for the technician to repair it= 1.000.000Ar
- Transport of repaired transmitter from capital (Tana) to Tsihome= 400.000Ar
- Technician fees for reinstalling the transmitter and testing antenna= 1.000.000Ar
Total 5.400.000ar or $1200 US Dollars

Studying for Success and Progress: Creating the Leader to Change Madagascar
The Nofy i' Androy program is carefully designed to provide adolescent girls the life skills, awareness of their bodies, and educational support and sponsorship needed to remain in school. Our program allows young girls to resist pressure to enter into early marriage or premature pregnancy or sexual relationships, and to become confident change leaders.
More info at www.nofyiandroy.org

Max Cadji
Oakland, CA
Nofy i Androy