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Have you ever signed a legal constitutional amendment ballot initiative petition to vote on an issue? Or voted for such laws in the past?
You no longer have a right to do so. Politicians just removed your rights.
If you let them, unless you stop them.
Why do we ask you to join our Florida citizens volunteer people's peaceful Florida Citizen's Right To Petition movement?
Given the number of Florida voters who have signed petitions or went to vote for or against ballot initiative petition issues over the years, we believe most Florida citizens will join together and act to retain this right we treasure.
Our nonpartisan ad-hoc volunteer group, FL CITIZENS RIGHT TO PETITION, opposes Florida House Bill-5 (HB-5) that shreds Florida citizens’ inherent state constitutional rights by seeking to stop us from putting our own Florida State constitutional amendment laws on the ballot for a vote.
It seems some Florida politicians believe they should have this right, but not the people. Not to protect our environment! Not for fair election boundaries! Not for medical marijuana! Not even to restore the right of people to vote, if convicted of a felony, despite serving their sentence and wishing to rejoin us as a full citizen with rights.
HB-5 blocks our rights as citizens, while corporations, millionaires and politicians now will be the only ones with the real ability to conduct petition drives. Therefore, they decide what is on the ballot to vote for in the future, not the voters.
Our ballot initiative petition process was designed so ordinary everyday citizens to have this "right" to bypass politicians as a means to approve laws that "we," the citizens, desire, but our elected representatives repeatedly refused to pass.
Look what happened the after our 4th of July weekend holiday, on July 8th, 2019! Not one citizen volunteer petition campaign continuing on after Independence Day! Only corporate sponsored or millionaire owned petition campaigns.
Using paid petition canvassers only; to collect voter signed petitions. Politicians just passed HB-5 to push aside our once inherent fundamental constitutional ballot initiative right to write a law; sign petitions; and go vote to approve our law.
HB-5's abrupt changes impacted on-going petition drives; ending or suspending the opportunity of Florida voters being able to vote in 2020 on several very popular issues, like Medicaid For Low-Income Adults, Background Checks For Buying Weapons, Ban on Assault Rifles, Solar Energy and the Right Of Adults To Cannabis; which fully legalizes all plants of the genus, Cannabis, and right of adults in Florida to possess, use and grow your own at home, just to mention a few.
Moreover, HB-5 suppresses the vote of certain voters in our 2020 election. HB-5 was initiated in the middle of an election 2 year cycle, when ballot initiative petitions were all still being circulated and signed to hand in for the 2020 election.
But we were stopped with six months left in the cycle. Several ballot initiatives sponsors suspended or ended petition drives for 2020. The above noted petitions, if on the 2020 ballot, were expected to bring many voters to vote.
The HB-5 law was designed to discourage and disillusion people from voting. HB-5 limits progressive, minority and independent voter turnout in our 2020 Florida election. It can help explain a lot!
It seems HB-5 was enacted in the improper way that it was done to "tip" 2020 election results in Florida. It is well documented that petitions bring out the voters. When an issue is important to ordinary citizens, they show up to vote. Of course they do, because 766,200+ people have already signed a petition to get their concern on the ballot.
Independent, Republicans, Democrats, Green Party, Libertarian Party and so on . . . it does not make a difference. This was a constitutional right shared and used by us all. The right not to have our elections manipulated is a right we all share.
Now consider that ballot initiative petition processes have also been restricted in several other states, by state officials to alter 2020 state and national election result outcomes; in Arkansas, in Michigan, it North & South Dakota and Utah.
This is may be why HB-5 was passed now; with little thought as to what was actually being done, under false pretenses, by sleight of hand maneuvers.
I speak as an Independent Voter, on behalf of other voters, when I say our constitutional amendment ballot initiative petition process is not someone's special interest playpen. The Floridian people's rights and best interests are not anyone's playpen play toys. It is why many Floridians have joined us already. We need you, too.
Gov. DeSantis, who pushed for this law, recently appointed three new Supreme Court Justices who all belong to the Federalist Society; suggesting the new Judges may support this attempt to solidify the hold politicians would have over us. Whether Democrat or Republican, ETC . . . this is an impermissible coup that threatens to eviscerates many rights.
I oppose this as an Independent Voter (NPA) in Florida. As a Florida citizen volunteer who has collected a variety of citizen-led constitutional ballot initiative petitions, I bypass any and all partisan Florida politicians once again. I go to federal court.
We retain well-known top Civil Rights Attorney, William Sheppard's law firm from Jacksonville, Florida to file this legal court challenge to HB-5 to save several popular proposed laws as well as our state constitutional ballot petition process. Bill Sheppard is still ranked as one of the five best Civil Rights and First Amendment attorneys in the USA. Last year, he won the 2018 "Florida Best Attorney Award" once more. I know and trust Bill Sheppard is the best there is to handle this case.
Once filed, we request the Judge to issue a "Stay Order" to stop enforcement of HB-5; allowing us to collect our ballot initiative petitions, all 766,200 of them, as our case is being decided in federal court. Other petitions will also become available, when the Federal Judge's "Stay Order" is issued! These petition collective drives could resume.
We have strong reasons to believe our request for a "stay" will be granted, given the way the politicians interfered with the rights of the Floridian people to vote on these issues in 2020, and the questionable way this law was enacted. We further believe HB-5 will be overturned for violating our constitutional rights. The impact of suppressing the vote now an issue!
We are forming a people's peaceful "political revolution" by creating our own county petition teams to pass laws we all approve of enacting. We collect voter signed petitions. As we conduct our petition drive, we find good candidates who support the people of Florida and our issues. We vote to approve our new ballot initiative laws and elect our candidates.
People in the State of Florida need to take these matters in hand. Join our legal challenge to HB-5 by donating $3 if you can, and print out, sign and pass along petitions if you can; ask those voters to do the same "sign one . . . pass two along . . . ." Create a cannabis "daisy chain" of petitions flowing to our county and regional petition collection sites.
RIGHT OF ADULTS TO CANNABIS [Ballot Initiative Serial # 15-20]
(May have to "reload" page to see petition). (Sign and mail) (Pass two along to other Florida voters to sign and share).
This legal cannabis petition, sponsored by Floridians For Freedom (FFF), a non-partisan volunteer Florida citizen-led group, is a focus of this federal court challenge to the HB-5 law, since this is what this constitutional ballot initiative "petition process" was exactly designed for . . . Florida citizen's having the right to decide our own laws, that we live with to abide by.
Join us to stop the improper political attempt to compromise our 2020 elections under the guise of HB-5. Join our statewide petition drive by "sign one, sharing two more"!
Christopher M. Kennard
4315 SE 10th Place, Ocala Florida 34471
Have you ever signed a legal constitutional amendment ballot initiative petition to vote on an issue? Or voted for such laws in the past?
You no longer have a right to do so. Politicians just removed your rights.
If you let them, unless you stop them.
Why do we ask you to join our Florida citizens volunteer people's peaceful Florida Citizen's Right To Petition movement?
Given the number of Florida voters who have signed petitions or went to vote for or against ballot initiative petition issues over the years, we believe most Florida citizens will join together and act to retain this right we treasure.
Our nonpartisan ad-hoc volunteer group, FL CITIZENS RIGHT TO PETITION, opposes Florida House Bill-5 (HB-5) that shreds Florida citizens’ inherent state constitutional rights by seeking to stop us from putting our own Florida State constitutional amendment laws on the ballot for a vote.
It seems some Florida politicians believe they should have this right, but not the people. Not to protect our environment! Not for fair election boundaries! Not for medical marijuana! Not even to restore the right of people to vote, if convicted of a felony, despite serving their sentence and wishing to rejoin us as a full citizen with rights.
HB-5 blocks our rights as citizens, while corporations, millionaires and politicians now will be the only ones with the real ability to conduct petition drives. Therefore, they decide what is on the ballot to vote for in the future, not the voters.
Our ballot initiative petition process was designed so ordinary everyday citizens to have this "right" to bypass politicians as a means to approve laws that "we," the citizens, desire, but our elected representatives repeatedly refused to pass.
Look what happened the after our 4th of July weekend holiday, on July 8th, 2019! Not one citizen volunteer petition campaign continuing on after Independence Day! Only corporate sponsored or millionaire owned petition campaigns.
Using paid petition canvassers only; to collect voter signed petitions. Politicians just passed HB-5 to push aside our once inherent fundamental constitutional ballot initiative right to write a law; sign petitions; and go vote to approve our law.
HB-5's abrupt changes impacted on-going petition drives; ending or suspending the opportunity of Florida voters being able to vote in 2020 on several very popular issues, like Medicaid For Low-Income Adults, Background Checks For Buying Weapons, Ban on Assault Rifles, Solar Energy and the Right Of Adults To Cannabis; which fully legalizes all plants of the genus, Cannabis, and right of adults in Florida to possess, use and grow your own at home, just to mention a few.
Moreover, HB-5 suppresses the vote of certain voters in our 2020 election. HB-5 was initiated in the middle of an election 2 year cycle, when ballot initiative petitions were all still being circulated and signed to hand in for the 2020 election.
But we were stopped with six months left in the cycle. Several ballot initiatives sponsors suspended or ended petition drives for 2020. The above noted petitions, if on the 2020 ballot, were expected to bring many voters to vote.
The HB-5 law was designed to discourage and disillusion people from voting. HB-5 limits progressive, minority and independent voter turnout in our 2020 Florida election. It can help explain a lot!
It seems HB-5 was enacted in the improper way that it was done to "tip" 2020 election results in Florida. It is well documented that petitions bring out the voters. When an issue is important to ordinary citizens, they show up to vote. Of course they do, because 766,200+ people have already signed a petition to get their concern on the ballot.
Independent, Republicans, Democrats, Green Party, Libertarian Party and so on . . . it does not make a difference. This was a constitutional right shared and used by us all. The right not to have our elections manipulated is a right we all share.
Now consider that ballot initiative petition processes have also been restricted in several other states, by state officials to alter 2020 state and national election result outcomes; in Arkansas, in Michigan, it North & South Dakota and Utah.
This is may be why HB-5 was passed now; with little thought as to what was actually being done, under false pretenses, by sleight of hand maneuvers.
I speak as an Independent Voter, on behalf of other voters, when I say our constitutional amendment ballot initiative petition process is not someone's special interest playpen. The Floridian people's rights and best interests are not anyone's playpen play toys. It is why many Floridians have joined us already. We need you, too.
Gov. DeSantis, who pushed for this law, recently appointed three new Supreme Court Justices who all belong to the Federalist Society; suggesting the new Judges may support this attempt to solidify the hold politicians would have over us. Whether Democrat or Republican, ETC . . . this is an impermissible coup that threatens to eviscerates many rights.
I oppose this as an Independent Voter (NPA) in Florida. As a Florida citizen volunteer who has collected a variety of citizen-led constitutional ballot initiative petitions, I bypass any and all partisan Florida politicians once again. I go to federal court.
We retain well-known top Civil Rights Attorney, William Sheppard's law firm from Jacksonville, Florida to file this legal court challenge to HB-5 to save several popular proposed laws as well as our state constitutional ballot petition process. Bill Sheppard is still ranked as one of the five best Civil Rights and First Amendment attorneys in the USA. Last year, he won the 2018 "Florida Best Attorney Award" once more. I know and trust Bill Sheppard is the best there is to handle this case.
Once filed, we request the Judge to issue a "Stay Order" to stop enforcement of HB-5; allowing us to collect our ballot initiative petitions, all 766,200 of them, as our case is being decided in federal court. Other petitions will also become available, when the Federal Judge's "Stay Order" is issued! These petition collective drives could resume.
We have strong reasons to believe our request for a "stay" will be granted, given the way the politicians interfered with the rights of the Floridian people to vote on these issues in 2020, and the questionable way this law was enacted. We further believe HB-5 will be overturned for violating our constitutional rights. The impact of suppressing the vote now an issue!
We are forming a people's peaceful "political revolution" by creating our own county petition teams to pass laws we all approve of enacting. We collect voter signed petitions. As we conduct our petition drive, we find good candidates who support the people of Florida and our issues. We vote to approve our new ballot initiative laws and elect our candidates.
People in the State of Florida need to take these matters in hand. Join our legal challenge to HB-5 by donating $3 if you can, and print out, sign and pass along petitions if you can; ask those voters to do the same "sign one . . . pass two along . . . ." Create a cannabis "daisy chain" of petitions flowing to our county and regional petition collection sites.
RIGHT OF ADULTS TO CANNABIS [Ballot Initiative Serial # 15-20]
(May have to "reload" page to see petition). (Sign and mail) (Pass two along to other Florida voters to sign and share).
This legal cannabis petition, sponsored by Floridians For Freedom (FFF), a non-partisan volunteer Florida citizen-led group, is a focus of this federal court challenge to the HB-5 law, since this is what this constitutional ballot initiative "petition process" was exactly designed for . . . Florida citizen's having the right to decide our own laws, that we live with to abide by.
Join us to stop the improper political attempt to compromise our 2020 elections under the guise of HB-5. Join our statewide petition drive by "sign one, sharing two more"!
Christopher M. Kennard
4315 SE 10th Place, Ocala Florida 34471
Co-organizers (3)
Christopher Kennard
Ocala, FL
Nancy Hauser-Kennard
Team member
Andrea Livingston
Team member