Flags for Ft. Logan Cemetery
Boy Scouts of America has been banned from the annual tradition of placing flags on the graves of our fallen veterans across the country due to Covid-19. We refuse to accept that for Ft. Logan Cemetery in Colorado. I know the Boy Scouts are upset they can’t continue their tradition this year so let’s pick up where they left off.
There are over 120,000 graves in Ft. Logan Cemetery. With the time crunch we’re under, we realize we may not be able to supply all of the graves with a flag, but we will do our very best to make sure we can cover as many as possible! Please consider a donation of any amount to help us purchase the flags. We have a group concerned citizens from Conservative Women of Colorado who are willing to give their time to fill in the gap. Some have family buried there, some don’t, but all have a love and appreciation for our military. I have started off the donation goal small and hope to adjust it as we see how much we can raise. If you cannot donate, please consider sharing.
For point of reference, flags cost an average $1 per flag. I'm having to order from multiple manufacturers to fill the orders. Some are just under $1 and some are just over.