Flamur Gjonpalaj
Donation protected
Te dashur atdhetar.
Jemi tmerrsisht te shokuar nga ikja parakohe e mikut, shokut, vellait ton Mulit nga kjo bote. Nje aksident ne pun I mori jeten ne me te miren mosh. Muli humbi jeten ne moshen 34-vjecare, duke len pas dy vajza vetem 8 edhe 2-vjece, nene edhe babain ne shqiperi. Duke qen se prinderit e tij jetojn akoma ne shqiperi do donin qe trupi I djalit tyre te dashur te prehej ne atdhe. Ne si miq vendosem te hapim kete gofoundme te suportojm sado pak nusen e tij. Cdo shum e vogel do na ndihmonte shum. Do ju ishim shum mirnjohes per cdo ndihm. Me rrespekt Eda Gjurra
Dear Friends and Community,
We are deeply saddened to share the news of the passing of our dear neighbor, Flamur Gjonpalaj. Flamur was not only a wonderful friend but also a devoted husband and father. His unexpected loss has left a void in our hearts and in the lives of his beloved wife and two young daughters.
In light of this tragedy, we, Flamur’s neighbors, are coming together to support his family during this incredibly difficult time. We are raising funds to help cover the expenses associated with transporting Flamur’s body back to his homeland, as well as to assist his family with immediate needs.
Your generosity can make a significant difference for Flamur’s wife and daughters as they navigate this heartbreaking situation. Any contribution, no matter how small, will be greatly appreciated and will help ensure they have the support they need.
Thank you for your kindness and for keeping Flamur and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
With gratitude
Eda Gjurra