Amy needs our help
Hi everyone ~ many of you know, others do not, about the struggles Jason and especially Amy have been through the last few months. Sept/Oct Amy started experiencing loss of feeling with nerve zingers in her fingers and toes. She was in and out of hospital 3 times before they came to a conclusion; they are treating her for Lymes Disease. This is still not an official diagnosis. They are waiting one final muscle biopsy before they confirm. Since November, Amy has gone from numbness and nerve pain to being unable to walk, and no use of her hands. She cannot do basic things for herself. She is currently at Marion Joy rehab in Winfield. We just found out her release date is set for 1/13/22! She will come home with a wheel chair and possible continued impairment. This means things insurance won’t cover. They will need a wheelchair ramp for her to get in and out of the house. They will need a bed for Amy downstairs, potential modifications to downstairs bath. Not to mention in home care. Not sure if insurance will cover that yet. This is just for starters. She has a long road to recovery and could really use your help.
We all know Amy is the first one there when you need help. Let’s return the favor
Any shares, help or funds to contribute would be greatly appreciated!!