Silence Dogood
$18,034 (Gofundme)
$10,366 (Art/Memorabilia)
$6,612 (Venmo)
$5,000 (Annonymous)
$750 (i2m/PayPal)
4/2/20 - 5/2/20
Presbyterian Queens
Lang Children’s Center
Brookhaven Health
5/3/20 - 6/12/20
Bronxcare Health
Columbia Presbyterian
Stamford Hospital
6/13/20 - 6/30/20
Lawrence Hospital
NYU Langone (BXV)
Bronxville PD
7/1/20 - Present
NYU Langone (NYC)
Thank you for your time and donations. As long as the essential staff are working, Silence Dogood will work for them.
John Shkreli
In just 3 days the Silence Dogood Campaign was able to raise over $5,000, so we created a Go-Fund Me to expand our reach further. The staff of NY Presbyterian- Queens are so appreciative of all the support we were able to provide so far through instagram and venmo donations, please help us keep the momentum going!