FNN Anniversary and Fundraising Event
Tax deductible
Finfinne News Network was incorporated on October 20, 2020. We have overcome a lot of challenges and achieved a lot in the last one year. It was the year we started delivering what we promised our people- create a voice for our national struggle for independence. On October 16, 2021 we will celebrate our Anniversary, our achievements, and renew our resolve to provide a quality media that becomes a continued and reliable voice for our nation. We are broadcasting via satellite television 24/7 and via our website and social media platforms to serve our people. Come join us and help us continue the service that we started providing together. Support your media. Without your generous support, we cannot deliver the crucial service that our media network provides.
Donate to Finfinne News Network and be part of the solution!
Finfinne News network n Onkoloolessa 20, 2020 biyya Ameerikaatti hundeeffame.
Kaayyoon hundeeffama keenyaas qabsoo keenya sagalee gahaa hin qabneef sagalee ta'uuf ture.
Waggaa darbe kana bu'aa ba'ii hedduu keessa darbinee tajaajila abdachiifne kennuu jalqabnee jirra.
Waan baayyee barre waan baayyees milkoofne. FNN kara satalayitiin televizhinii dhaan tamsaasa isaa guyyaa guutuu fi guyyaa mara (24/7) dabarsaa jira. Midiyaaleen keenya uummata Oromoo fi dhaabbilee siyaasaa mirga Oromoof falman tajaajilaatti jiru.
Tajaajilli keenya kan itti fufuu dandahu yoo uummatni keenya nu gargaaree dha. FNN miidiyaa qabsoo Oromooti.
Jirbiin wal gargaartee arba hiiti. Kottaa qabsoo keenyaaf sagalee taanaa.
Kottaa waliin tumsinaa.
Finfinne News Network Inc
Finfinne News Network Inc