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Folesha Parker-Iverson

Spende geschützt
On January 14th, my mother lost her life to a drunk driver while she was Ubering in LA. My mother was only 52 years old and had so much love in her heart for everyone. When she was 44 years old she lost her husband, my stepfather,  to cancer. It was so hard for us emotionally when he passed on. Our life only consisted of us three (Folesha, Chales, Ryandi)  and we can't even fathom life without our mommy.  Our mom was and still is our Rock, Strength, Heart, Blessing, and Love. She kept us strong after he passed away and we pray that she keeps all of us strong for the days to come. Ryandi and I have been blessed to have the support of our family and friends through this tough time. Our mother's love lives not only within us but within every heart that she has touched.  She went to the end of the Earth for us and did whatever she could do to make sure we had everything we needed. 
   Our mother held 3 jobs to not only support us but our dreams too. God truly does pick his angels the way we pick flowers; the ones that have grown, blossomed, and the ones with beauty. 
   Our family thanks everyone for their prayers, thoughts, love, and donations.
 - Chales & Ryandi
PSA: This GoFundMe is authorized by the family.



  • B Thomas
    • $30
    • 7 yrs


Chales Parker
Fontana, CA

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