Folks Sick Of Having Their Biden Signs Stolen!
My name is Marshall Stern and together with my great wife Nancy we live on 40 acres of woods in White Cloud Michigan. I’m just a regular American who loves his country and supports Joe Biden for President. So I purchased 5 Biden signs and put them out along the road on my land. The first day 1 sign was stolen. The next day three of the signs were run over by a car and thrown in a ditch. My wife posted on our community page on Facebook and though most of our Republican neighbors were sympathetic there was the Trump contingent who were obnoxious and offensive. The very next day ALL of our signs were stolen!
This is apparently a common story in our area so I contacted other Biden supporters and asked them how they’d feel about chipping in for a sign that can’t be stolen or vandalized and that would have great visibility. Everyone I spoke to was excited to do this so I researched and found out how much it would cost to rent a billboard on the busiest street around here. It’s more than our little group could afford.
So I am raising the money needed to rent a billboard along Route 37 which is THE way to get from the cities to all points North in beautiful Western Michigan to the Upper Peninsula. (Heavily travelled)
This is where you come in. If you love our country and want to show these “patriots” what it really means to be an American then please help us raise our sign. We want them to understand that far from silencing us, they have just motivated us to raise our voices together and sing a song of what freedom is really about..
That is why this sign will proudly proclaim it is “Paid For By Folks Sick Of Having Their Biden Signs Stolen.”