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Food Bank for Refugees in North London

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The COVID-19 lockdown has changed all of our lives dramatically in these last 7 weeks.

Grocery shopping has become a whole new experience entirely and I don't think any of us ever anticipated having to queue up outside the supermarket for ages-  only to get inside and find many essential items not available.  Fortunately for most of us this is only a temporary situation. 

Sadly many families have been financially hit hard by the lockdown. In particular the Refugee and Asylum Seeker community have not been able to work in lockdown and are not eligible for benefits and furlough pay. They have had to rely on Food Banks because they can't afford to shop at the supermarket; and the demand for these services is growing rapidly. 

Barnet Refugee Services set up a Food Bank in North London (Edgware) at the beginning of lockdown to ensure Asylum Seekers and Refugee families don't go hungry. In their first week of opening they provided food packages to 120 households,  and now there are over 200 families depending on this service.

Please help us to ensure the Food Bank is well stocked. 100% of all money donated will go to buying food and essential supplies for the Food Bank. 

Thank you so much for your support.
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  • Syedda Hafeez
    • £20
    • 4 yrs
Je contribue


Bushra Choudhury

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