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Food & clothes bank: elderly, homeless, in need

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Agape Ministry - part of the Willesden New Testament Church of God which is a registered Charity.

Your donations will go towards our Brent community food bank for the homeless, those in need for whatever reason, and the elderly in the community especially during the pandemic.

Members from our community attend every Wednesday between 6.30-7.30pm at The Lewinson Centre 165-167 High Road Willesden NW10  (opposite Savers) and benefit from getting, free of charge,  a whole range of food, and other items like toiletries and clothes if available.

How We Began

On the 1st April 2020 the Agape Ministry Food Bank was birthed we were responding to the obviously need in our Community in Brent caused by this dreadful Coronavirus pandemic.

There were three volunteer workers: Amie Alexis, Sis Madge Facey and myself, Felicia Alexis. We had one box, which was by no means full, and a desire to minister to the church and the community. That day we distributed 9 bags.

In the weeks that followed we have seen God move in an amazing way. Members and friends of the Church rose to the challenge, they donated money on-line and donated food items to the Ministry over and over again. I have to pause here to say ‘thank you’ for your generosity. Heaven knows how many people you have impacted in a positive way. I would like to acknowledge not only those who have given, but to those who have prayed or volunteered their time in anyway as well. We are workers together with God and we are all doing our bit.

Some people will bring in one or two items some, several bags full. Nothing is too small or too big, all is received gratefully. From time to time we will receive surprise donations from the local butchers, restaurants, green grocers and even a school.

Now we are into a new year still facing the pandemic  and we are ministering to more and more people in the community. We see people every week from all different nationalities. Besides offering food we provide a safe place where people can come and feel the presence of God and find hope in a hopeless world. No one is rejected, everyone is accepted.

Every week we provide tea, coffee, biscuits and cake for those coming in. Besides food, people are now looking for nappies, washing powder, readymade meals and even a vacuum cleaner.

Our Faithful Volunteers

I would like to mention the faithful volunteers that work with
me week after week. Sis Madge Facey, Sis Janet Ashman, Sis Fay Scott and my faithful husband Joseph Alexis. Bro Anthony Manning who sets a worshipful atmosphere with live music and Bro David Oram who comes every other week with his Healing banner and offers prayers for anyone who asks. I also would like to mention Bro Tim Stewart, who gets roped into helping me anytime he turns up and Sis Denice Denton who is there whenever she can be. We also have a young lady who lives in the community who has recently volunteered some of her time
to helping us with the ministry.

As we begin 2021 we will be inviting business people to partner with us by donating £100.00 for one month. In return the team will pray faithfully for the success of that business for the whole of that month and we will promote it. Joseph Alexis is the first ‘volunteer’ and his business is called Sixela Ltd, he provides a handyman services. He can be contacted on Telephone No. 07857 345793.

The Agape Ministry is growing and we are expecting to see increase this year both in numbers and in our sphere of influence.

May God bless you all as we use every opportunity that we have to let our light shine before men that they may see our good works and come to glorify our Father who is in heaven.

Felicia Alexis - Agape Ministry Leader


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