Launch The Food Fairy® Mobile Soup Kitchen!
Donation protected
Founder and owner of The Food Fairy® shares her vision of creating a fleet of food fairy mobiles, much like ice cream trucks, offering FREE SOUP in surrounding low income and food insecure counties in North Carolina.
Special thanks to Tyler of www.tylerreinhold.com for filming and editing the following video.
The History:
In 1996, Terri McClemon relocated to North Carolina, founding The Food Fairy as a single mother of three. Since then, Terri has spent the past twenty-seven years building a thriving personal chef business that serves the Triangle.
Now, The Food Fairy is embarking on a new mission to tackle hunger and food insecurity in North Carolina by launching a mobile food kitchen, powered by a commissary kitchen in northern Chatham County.
Join us in supporting this impactful cause by contributing to the construction of the kitchen and the purchase of the first mobile electric or hybrid soup van!

The Vision: An Ice Cream Truck Serving Free Soup
As the illustration above by artist Lucile Moutier depicts, we envision a delightful van meandering through North Carolina country sides and neighborhoods, ringing fairy chimes, and offering free, nourishing soup to anyone in need – families, kids, and seniors alike.
Making Modern Day “Stone Soup”
The Food Fairy family, a community of farmers and food enthusiasts, is already rallying behind the cause, ready to donate soup bones and "ugly" vegetables for the Mobile Soup Pantry’s inaugural pots of soup.
Empowering Our Neighbors
Soup recipients will also reap fun infused inspiration when food fairies share their passion for cooking with recipes, easy earth friendly practices and tips on growing herbs and vegetables.
All that's missing is the first electric or hybrid van!
A wellness expert with a gift for producing deliciousness with whatever is available, Terri and her Fairies envision delivering hearty big-spoon soups and deeply nourishing homemade breads for free to neighboring counties with the highest need.
Initial North Carolina counties served:
- Scotland
- Robeson
- Bladen
- ... with plans to expand east and who knows where...
The Ask: Every Dollar Delivers Soup to a Neighbor in Need!
$10- Your $10 contribution buys enough gas for my 2013 Prius and me to go 1-time, round trip to Scotland County, Court House to deliver soup
$20 - Contribute $20 to help us maintain our spice cupboard with fair-trade spices purchased from Reluctant Trading Experiment.
$50 - Contribute $50 to help us pay one month's garbage and recycling pick-up
$75- A mere $75 allows us to stock up monthly on tabletop sanitizer, eco friendly dish & hand soaps, earth friendly toilet paper & paper towels
$100 - A generous donation of $100 pays for one month of hot composting from Compost Now, and in return we receive the equal weight in compost for our fresh herb gardens
$130 - Your $130 donation makes it easy for us to stock up on non-perishables such as dried grains and beans, canned tomatoes, healthy avocado or olive oils
$225 - Accountants keep us together! This pays our non-profit accountant for one month being the young'un we are
$375- When you give $375 you help us supply 600 families with one 32-oz container of nourishing, love-infused soup
$700 - With $700 we can stock up on 6 months of pantry items
$1200 - Can you support us with $1200? This pays for a whole year of hot composting thereby contributing to the health of our planet
$2000 - Your gift of $2000 can pay for a grant writer consultation
$2500 - Pays our rent for one month
$3000 - A substantial donation of $3000 goes toward our first mobile soup truck -- an electric VW van or hybrid! We need at least 20 contributions at this level.
$6000 - Your gift of $6000 can pay for a grant writer for one month, to get us jump started!
A note from Terri:
After 28 years as a solely personal chef enterprise, our vision has expanded! We are a company founded not just on wholesome, good taste but on the very essence of truth and kindness and the ultimate good of all. Now, we are reaching out to touch a larger population to meet more needs.
Come and be a part of the magic and help us write this next chapter of the Food Fairy Tale! Each one of your contributions supports the construction of the commissary kitchen or fund the purchase of our first delivery van.
This is not just a fairytale about food! It is a story about Loving Kindness, as we all have a role in nourishing each other and in our own way.
I believe that small heartfelt actions have the power to create profound change. Your contribution, whatever the size, empowers us all to build a more compassionate and well-nourished world.
Terri and The Food Fairy Family


Terri McClernon
Durham, NC