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For Ben & Idania

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I decided to put this up for my brother, Benjamin and Idania his wife. Their home flooded at 3 am during the storm. They live close to Braes Bayou. Idania works as a dental assitant, close to their home. Ben works at an elementary school, as a teacher. Specifically helping new comers with their reading and language. They are both hourly employees, not salary. So if they haven't worked they aren't making money (eg. Ben since they were on Summer break). He had recently put in new floors this summer at their condo, which he was very proud of.

Today we both went over to their home, to see what things we could bring back, and take some picture to send to the insurance. (He also applied for FEMA already). When we were driving back, his home insurance called to inform him they wont be covering anything, since his home didn't sustain damages from wind driven rain, and it was a flood.

I didn't know how much to ask for on this thing, but if it works thats cool, and what ever works really. If it goes over, I would want to give the rest of the money to the drop in shelter for homeles youth I teach at sometimes. Its called The Pink Giraffe House. Also feel free to donate directly to them, or volunteer with them. They always need the help, and I am sure the young ones need some where to stay right now. (You should look up how laws affect underage homeless youth...) Also it is solely run by volunteers, and when there are no volunteers, then its difficult for the house to remain open... Here is the link if you want to check them out. They are all beautiful loving people both the staff and the young ones seeking help.

I know there are tons of people in need here, but hopefully Ben and Idania can have a little help to start back up. Oh, and Ben and Idania don't have any social media... haha so if you can share it. I just kinda mentioned it to them, but they don't know much about me creating this. 


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  • Michael Golden
    • 200 $
    • 7 ans
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Maureen Penders
Missouri City, TX
Benjamin Penders

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