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For Brooke & Abby Jo

Spende geschützt
It is with deep sadness that our beloved friend Rebecca (brooke) Davis passed away this morning due to a fatal car crash. This was very unexpected and as of right now we don't know if theres any type of life insurance in place to cover the cost. We are working with her work trying to figure that out but we don't want to wait on that answer and leave her family to pay for the cost. We have permission from Brooke's step mother Anne to set this up. This money will go to Brooke's funeral expenses and her beautiful daughter Abby Jo. We want to make sure Aj wants/ needs for nothing! Anything from a 1$ to a share on Facebook will make all the difference to Brooke's family.


  • Joanna Leluck
    • $50
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Angel West
Enoree, SC
Thomas Owings

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