For my father: The Jose Rivera Memorial
My father, Jose Rivera (Sr.) was a good man. He worked hard his whole life to provide for our family & did so everyday of his life. On November 20, 2020 , he passed away... he was on the job as an elotero/corn man when a dark car came up & shot him... he died on the way to the hospital. He was murdered and we have no idea why or how this could have happened. My family is grieving as we’ll never get to see him again...we don’t know why he has taken from us .
He was a good man and member of the community, he always made friends with everyone he met.
We are asking for any help in these times. Medical and funerary finances are something I never imaged having to deal with. We would appreciate any type of help.
my dad loved this community, he loved his job & was loved by his family.