Donation protected
Hi, my name is Janet Bethuy, and I'm trying to raise funds to help my family move to a new home. Many of you know that my husband died at the end of 2021. With your help, things were getting a lot better for myself and my daughter. Then this year, our finances imploded. I own a 2008 Chevy Impala, and as older cars do, it needed some work. I took it to our mechanic to check the brakes that were put on last summer, just to find out that I couldn't drive my car anywhere! The brakes were fine, but the sway bars were not. One was already cracked through, the other was 90% cracked. I had expected to spend maybe $100. Between fixing the sway bars and having to replace dry-rotted tires, I suddenly had to fork over $2500! I was able to get a rental vehicle, but didn't get my car back for three weeks. That was in late April of this year. We have a new oil leak in the car as well, which will set me back another $1500, minimum. This is our only vehicle. I expected that we could make up the money in short order, with both my fiancee and I working this summer, but then the worst happened. He lost his job and my health took a downward turn. My mental health has also been suffering badly because all of this is reminding me so much of when my late husband passed away. I haven't been able to find work, and as such, my monthly bills have often been delayed or pushed back. Rent has been one of those bills that has suffered. It has gotten so bad that I had to attend court to find that we could either leave by the 31st of July, or we could be evicted. Since there has been so much emotional and physical trauma where we are living now, we have chosen to move to an entirely different city about 35 minutes away. We believe we have found a home, but we need to come up with some money before we have to move. My expenses as of right now include: Utilities: $875 total before services can be switched over Rent plus security deposit: $1800 before the 1st. Truck rental: $200+ Car repairs: $1500+ (I think we all know that estimates are just that... estimated.) My cat also needs veterinary care very soon for his diabetes. I have no idea how much that will cost. I have very little money until the 3rd of August, so that is not an option for us to use until then. My fiancee is working again but does not make near enough to cover for this by himself. I have been turned down for state aid twice, once to help cover the bills, and once to prevent the eviction. I am trying for a third time to get assistance with moving expenses. I doubt they will be able to assist this time, either. I am working with tutoring as an odd job, as well. So I ask you all to please help as you can. We need help to make sure we don't end up homeless. Any amount you could give will help. Thank you for reading and considering helping us.
Fundraising team (2)
Janet Bethuy
Ira Township, MI
Eric Brown
Team member