Jerry Boicourt's Funeral Fund
My name is Tony Boicourt.
I'm asking for help with the cost of putting my father to rest. His body was discovered October 19th, 2015. While the official cause of death is unknown at this time it's highly likely that my father chose to take his own life and escape the pain that he's carried around with him his entire life.
As in any case of suicide his death came suddenly and my my sister, mother and I are just not equipped to cover the costs of a funeral or cremation.
--My Father--
My father lived a rough life and battled with depression for most of it. He still did everything he could to provide the best life possible for my sister and I, and it's a lesson he's taught both of us to carry into the future.
His depression worsened over the last 5 years as he struggled again with addiction, but he checked himself into a half-way house and started to get the counseling & help he needed.
Upon moving out of the half-way house into his own apartment he began volunteering regularly for over a year at RS Eden's, Kitchen of Oppurtunities in Minneapolis. This program provides transitional housing for people in need and "addresses the linked conditions of addiction, poverty, homelessness, and hopelessness." I have been contacted with one of my dad's best friends and have been told that my father was loved by everyone who worked with him, and that even though it was volunteer posistion he often worked 12 hour shifts multiple days week. I was not aware of the extent of volunteering he provided, and am beyond proud of my father's actions.
--Use of Donations--
While I am unsure of the specific costs, I've been informed the costs of cremation alone will be ranging between $1,000-$4,000 in cost. This does not include any other fees associated with transporting his body or other services. We intend to spread his ashses at a piece of land he loved in Northern Minnesota.
Due to cost restricitons we will not be holding a traditional service, but instead a gathering of friends and family and anyone else who wish to celebrate my father's life.
I've decided that the of any funds raised that are not used for the final preperations of my father or any other costs incrued from his death will be donated to RS Eden's Kitchen of Oppurtunities. I can't imagine anything making him happier.
-I will gladly provide the specific costs and needs as more information becomes availble to us.
--Thank You--
I would first like to thank you for reading. I would also like to thank in advance anyone who chooses to help ensure my father's body is laid to rest. It will help bring the closure our family needs.
I wish I didn't have to ask this of any of you, and undesrtand if you can't, and if that is the case I just ask that you share this fund where you can. If you can donate it would mean the world to us, and just know that no donation is too small, even a dollar will help.
Thank you.
-Tony Boicourt
If you have any additonal questions feel free to ask.