Fort Myers Beach Times Square Sunset Celebrations
Many people come to Times Square on
Ft Myers Beach on Friday Nights and
enjoy the music of High Tide. There is a
very small amount of businesses that
donate money monthly to pay for the
band, the permits, yearly accounting,
tent and small incidentals. No business
or any person involved receives any
compensation for their time involved
organizing these events.
We also provide the entertainment for
two special events a year, July 4th
celebration and New Years Eve
Celebration. This group is Times Square Merchant and Event Association. Many who have donated in the past have
dropped their donation amount or do not contribute at all. We used to have bands on Friday and Saturday nights. But
during last years pandemic and shut
down of many of our establishments for about 6 weeks then opening at lower
than full capacity, we could not afford to have two nights of bands. We are
struggling to keep this going and could
certainly use some financial help. This
weekend Sunset Celebration brings
more people to our area and in turn
brings more business to everyone! We
want to bring back bands on Saturday
nights, but we really need more business to join in and help out. Right now there
are only 5 businesses covering all of
these costs.
Plaka, Pete’s Time Out and Kikwins are
the primary sponsors. Dairy Queen is a secondary sponsor.
The yearly cost for two bands the town
permits, the insurance etc is around
$60,000 a year.
This is NOT something the Town puts on. It is done by this small group of
Merchants. The Primary sponsors are as of the last 4 months
paying about $320 a week to cover all of the costs and now having two
bands per weekend. Others donate what they can and then there are some who donate just for special events. If you are a business or even just an
individual that would like to help our
continuing effort to provide this
entertainment please donate!
Thank you
Times Square Merchant and Event