Fortuna Mural
We are working to create a professional mural painted on the Ray's building in Fortuna. The mural will be a beautiful depiction of what makes Fortuna a great place to live- the redwoods, the flowers, and the amazing culture. This will be a piece of public art that will foster and communicate civic pride. Public art projects like this have the potential to become a meaningful shared expression of our collective values and aspirations. We anticipate a time when this is the most photographed spot in Humboldt County.
We are raising money for material costs and to pay professional artist to design and paint a fabulous mural.
We truly appreciate your support of the arts and the beuatification of Fortuna!
Interested in knowing more, talking or giving in person? Please contact
Karen Delangelo - (707) [phone redacted]
Don Brown - (707) [phone redacted]
Simon Rios - (707) [phone redacted]