For William: Because We Care
On my March 27th, 2018 broadcast, "A Happy Show About Death" a caller named William (which I've learned is a pseodonym, because he's still navigating out of the atheist closet) spoke about the death of his wife, the life lessons she taught him, and his often difficult journey after her passing.
His story moved me (and undoubtedly many in the listening audience). So, we just want to do something special for William...a gesture of kindness and humanism by people who believe that true goodness needs no gods or religions, and that miracles must be created here - on earth - by human hands.
Give a few dollars. We can't change the world, but we can change the world for William.
I'll confirm the transfer of the final funds with a screenshot (protecting William's identity, of course) for the purpose of complete transparency and good stewardship of your generosity. :)
-Seth Andrews
The show: (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thethinkingatheist/2018/03/27/a-happy-show-about-death)