Four month old needs a plagiocephaly helmet
Donation protected
Our son named Bradley was born at 37week 6 days in April. He was born with a double lung infection that later was determined to be Covid-19. He spent his first 10 days of his life in the NICU with tubes and wires in his belly, mouth, and nose. Since he's been home, however, he's been one of the happiest babies I've ever seen. Sadly, due to his time in the NICU, he favored one side of his head to the other. At two months old, his pediatrician told us he could see his head was misshapen and gave us tricks to do to try to stop it. At his four-month checkup, it had grown worse. We went to Houston's Cranial Technologies to find out how bad it really was with all of their testing and imaging, they determined that the conservative measure has not been effective in correcting the head shape, and a DOC Band treatment was recommended to help his cranial vault asymmetry. His head shape severity is on the severe side with having both left side plagiocephaly and having right frontal flattening. We have talked with their insurance people and due to him being on Medicaid and this not being a surgery, they will NOT cover any of it. We tried to get a loan or work with them, but sadly due to Covid-19 keeping us from working, our credit score and income don't reach the range we would need to qualify for help.
He needs this headband ASAP due to the fact that since he is so young, it will work better and faster since his head is still growing. They said it might take up to just 1 month to help correct fully or 1 year depending on his growth rate.
He needs this headband ASAP due to the fact that since he is so young, it will work better and faster since his head is still growing. They said it might take up to just 1 month to help correct fully or 1 year depending on his growth rate.
Maggie Bradford Holmes
Orange, TX