FOX Rocks November Fundraiser
Tax deductible
NOVEMBER is FOXG1 awareness month. Courtney was diagnosed with FOXG1 syndrome when she was 11 years old. Her brother, Shane, started a nonprofit organization called FOX Rocks Corporation to raise awareness about FOXG1 and funding for research. All donations go directly to FOXG1 Research and are tax deductible.
So what is FoxG1??
Courtney has a deletion on her 14q12 chromosome. That chromosome is actually called forkhead box G1, but FoxG1 is easier to say! That chromosome is responsible for making a protein that is responsible for brain development. Because Courtney had that deletion, her body did not make that protein, and therefore her brain did not develop properly.
Due to her abnormal brain development, Courtney is non-verbal, non-mobile, has seizures, cortical blindness, a colostomy bag for Crohn’s disease and is fed through a J tube into her intestines. She also has severe reflux so has a G-tube that drains 24/7.
There are currently about 800 people across the world diagnosed with FOXG1. Sadly, most of these are children. Currently there is no cure, but there is tremendous research underway to find a cure along with treatments for these amazing FOXG1 kids.
Thank you!!!
FOX Rocks Corporation