#masks4meds! Taking Action To help!
The Masks4Meds initiative was created by a family from Plymouth, MA to support the needs of our local healthcare workforce by providing surgical masks and other PPE during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This fundraiser is a two phase project that will first use funds raised to provide 50,000 disposable surgical masks to Boston and South Shore, MA hospitals, nursing homes, fire departments, police departments, and other public facilities. The masks have been ordered and paid for, and the funds raised will cover a portion of those costs. Foundation Medicine generously donated $25,000 outside of this GoFundMe fundraiser to cover the remainder of the 50,000 mask order.
Money raised beyond the cost of the masks will then be directed to a community relief fund for small businesses located in the Town of Plymouth, MA. We are partnering directly with The Plymouth Area Chamber of Commerce, who will be the recipient of these excess funds. The Chamber will distribute the funds with guidance from the Masks4Meds team. Small businesses will be asked to complete an application form to determine eligibility of a relief check from the fund and the Chamber will ultimately decide which businesses will benefit.
As Plymouth residents, the Masks4Meds team members have relationships with many Boston and South Shore area healthcare workers as well as local business owners and their employees. The team is dedicated to supporting these two groups in this time of uncertainty as a goodwill to our friends and neighbors.
#Masks4Meds needs your help!
We as Massachusetts residents need to act now!
Our nurses, doctors, patients and other essential workers need our
help to fight this deadly pandemic. We have created this fund to serve
a dual purpose:
1) Provide necessary surgical masks to hospitals in the South Shore of Massachusetts as well as the Greater Boston area beginning with support for Beth Israel Deaconess right here in our back yard.
2) Provide immediate fundraising to support to the small businesses severely impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020 starting in our South Shore community and branching out to other surrounding towns/cities.
Beth Israel in Plymouth has already told us that they need an initial 10,000 masks and that is for immediate use. Today we ordered 20,000 masks and also received an additional initial donation of $25,000 from Foundation Medicine that will allow us to order an additional 28,400 masks bringing our order to 48,400 masks!!!! Amazing start and our hope is that this GoFundMe will provide the spark for action as our front-line medical professionals need our help. We have the ability to order more masks and drive this price down so we can in turn raise more funds for our communities. We will do this as long as masks are available and the need is there.
The time to act is now! We need your help!
We will work with the local organizations in each city/town to determine how the funds will be disbursed to local businesses impacted by the recent shutdown. All proceeds will go directly for disbursement and the surgical masks will immediately be provided to Beth Israel Deaconess in Plymouth as well as other surrounding hospitals based on demand. No one in our organization will receive any monetary funds besides initial funding. We are aiming to drop-ship these masks immediately and get them by April 3rd subject to unforeseen shipping delays.
You can donate any amount you wish however we are asking for a minimum donation of $5 if you are able. With a $5 donation rate per mask we have negotiated our unit cost to under $1 / unit giving us a fundraising profit of approximately $4.00 per unit before GoFundMe fees. A family of 4 is encouraged to provide $20 if possible for four masks. Remember its all virtually, masks will go directly to the medical professionals ! Anyone looking to make a donation of more than $1,000 please contact us at the link below as we will put additional funds toward future large PPE purchases and can provide advertising for your business!
Once you donate, we ask you to post a SnapChat of you and/or your family sporting masks with a special personal message to a nurse, doctor, or other medical professional you might know who is working directly with patients on the front lines. Please share it with the world and tag #Masks4Meds in all posts to drive more awareness through all social media platforms including LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.
Thank you for your support! Together we can make a difference!
*We reserve the right to use funds on other comparable equipment, devices or PPE's should there be changes in availability of equipment or changes in needs of healthcare workers as directed by the healthcare organizations we support.
Check out how to Snapchat below!
1. Kosta Haveles from Plymouth, Massachusetts
2. We have set up this GoFundMe to raise money for the purchase of PPE equipment for healthcare workers and to provide funds for small businesses in the town of Plymouth that are suffering from this closure due to the pandemic.
3. All the donations will go to Plymouth Chamber of Commerce for distribution.
4. We have asked Amy Naples, Exec Director of the Plymouth Area Chamber of Commerce to be the beneficiary and she has set that up on your site.