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Antonio Ayala Funeral Expenses

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Estamos recaudando fondos para Marco Antonio Ayala y su familia, quien fallecio inesperadamente en menos de una semana en cuidados intensivos. Lo que empezo como una infeccion rapidamente se transformo en la falla de muchos organos en su cuerpo. Sufrio una muerte clinica de 15 minutos debido a un ataque al corazon, despues fue resucitado pero no sabiamos si tenia actividad cerebral o si se habia causado algun daño cerebral y se hicieron algunos estudios para determinarlo. Estos estudios revelaron que habia actividad cerebral pero no podia respirar por si mismo y desafortunadamente tuvo que ser conectado a un ventilador artificial y dialisis continua debido a la falla de sus riñones con la esperanza que mejorara. Mientras parecia que mejoraba y se recuperaba todo cambio inesperadamente para mal. De un dia para el otro sus organos empezaron a fallar uno por uno. Sus pulmones, higado y riñones. Despues de esto sufrio trombosis debido a un coagulo y tuvo que ser operado, cirugia la cual fue exitosa pero despues durante la recuperacion se causo una infeccion que podría causaria una amputacion completa de su brazo. Despues de esto, su doctor dijo que el estaba estable pero su cuerpo ya no estaba respondiendo ni mejorando y que su sistema inmunologico ya no estaba suficientemente fuerte para pelear esta infeccion. Aqui es cuando su familia tuvo que tomar la dificil decision de terminar con este sufriento y descontinuar el tratamiento de soporte porque su papa estaba sufriendo. Una vez desconectado, Marco fue fuerte para que sus hijos, hermanas y miembros familiares cercanos pudieran despedirse . Afortunadamente fallecio rodeado de todos sus seres queridos el dia 13 de septiembre 2024 a las 2:45am . Fue un hombre amable, esposo y padre amoroso y seguidor de Dios . Tenia un matrimonio de 32 años con su esposa Mara Ayala. Su muerte repentina dejo su familia con muchos gastos funerales y gastos de manutencion de su esposa debido que el era el proveedor principal de su matrimonio. Les pedimos al que pueda y sienta en su corazon hacer una donacion para contribuir con los gastos funerales. Si te gustaria ayudar cualquier donacion por medio de gofundme sera gratamente agradecida. Todos los fondos irán directamente a su familia para sus gastos funebres. En nombre de la familia Ayala, agradecemos sus, cariño, oraciones y apoyo mostrado.

We are raising funds for Marco Antonio Ayala and his family, who died unexpectedly in less than a week in intensive care. What started as an infection quickly transformed into the failure of many organs in his body. He suffered a 15-minute clinical death due to a heart attack, then he was resurrected but we didn't know if he had brain activity or if any brain damage had been caused and some tests were done to determine it. These tests revealed that there was brain activity but he couldn't breathe on his own so he was put on life support and continuous dialysis due to his kidney failure in the hope that it would improve. While it seemed to get better and all the situation unexpectedly turned for the worse. However, from one day to the next, his organs began to fail one by one. His lungs, liver and kidneys. Despite this he suffered thrombosis due to a clot and had to undergo surgery, which was successful but then during recovery an infection was caused that could cause a complete amputation of his arm. Despite this, his doctor said that he was stable but his body was no longer responding or improving and that his immune system was no longer strong enough to fight this infection. Continuing here is when his family had to make the difficult decision to end his suffering and discontinue the supportive treatment. Once disconnected, Marco was strong so that his children, sisters and close family members could say goodbye. Fortunately he died surrounded by all his loved ones on September 13, 2024 at 2:45am. He was a kind man, loving husband and father and follower of God. He had a 32-year marriage to his wife Mara Ayala. His sudden death left his family with many funeral expenses and living expenses for his wife because he was the primary provider of their marriage. We ask those who can and feel in their heart to make a donation to contribute to funeral expenses. All funds will go directly to the family Ayala. We thank you for your donations, affection, prayers and support shown.



ashley murcia
Lawrenceville, GA

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