FFR community action
Please help Frack Free Ryedale stop fracking!
Frack Free Ryedale is a community-led campaign group which has brought together people of all ages and from all walks of life who oppose to unconventional oil and gas extraction.
We have been campaigning for over two years to prevent fracking from industrialising our beautiful countryside, polluting our water, damaging our health, jeopardising local agriculture and tourism and threatening the UK's climate change goals.
We are active on many fronts, running awareness campaigns, producing information leaflets, holding local film shows and talks, lobbying our politicians and scrutinising the fracking industry's every move. We are also supporting a joint bid with Friends of the Earth for a Judicial Review on the decision by the North Yorkshire County Council to allow fracking in Kirby Misperton.
Our membership is growing every week, but the campaign to keep the frackers away is getting more intense.
We can stop fracking, but it all comes at a cost. David Davis of FFR said, "the campaign has now moved up a gear and we need to raise a substantial amount of money to fund activities going forward."
"We would like to thank the considerable generosity of our members and supporters to date, but we need to gain additional support to stop this unnecessary industrialisation in Ryedale and North Yorkshire. We need to fundraise in order to reach out to even more residents by running effective and professional campaigns.”
“We hope people will recognise the value of what we are trying to do to protect Ryedale from fracking and support us.”