Frank Raso and family
Donation protected
Frank Raso is a 45 year old attorney practicing in Brunswick Ohio.
Frank is married and has a 13 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. He recently received the news that he has stage 4 lung cancer. Such news is always devastating and it is compounded by the fact that neither Frank nor his wife has a job that includes sick pay coverage. Frank also does not have disability insurance.
Frank is a former Medina County Assistant Prosecutor and a former Medina City Assistant Prosecutor. He also worked for Foth and Foth for several years. For the past couple years Frank has been self-employed.
Frank has an intense personal battle ahead of him but is up for the challenge. He has applied for social security, but needs help in the interim. Please give so he can forget about his current bills, and can concentrate on the battle at hand. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Frank is married and has a 13 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. He recently received the news that he has stage 4 lung cancer. Such news is always devastating and it is compounded by the fact that neither Frank nor his wife has a job that includes sick pay coverage. Frank also does not have disability insurance.
Frank is a former Medina County Assistant Prosecutor and a former Medina City Assistant Prosecutor. He also worked for Foth and Foth for several years. For the past couple years Frank has been self-employed.
Frank has an intense personal battle ahead of him but is up for the challenge. He has applied for social security, but needs help in the interim. Please give so he can forget about his current bills, and can concentrate on the battle at hand. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Organizer and beneficiary
Richard Barbera
Brunswick, OH
Frank Raso