Franklin Salazar Memorial & Family Fund
Donation protected

Update (3)
There was an issue with some of the older family members (they didn't understand if this was for Franklin or my Dad) and we have decided to split the GoFundMe again. We thought that by combining them we would avoid confusion of two links to help my family. Turns out it led to confusion so we are returning them back to split GoFundMe.
Update (2):
Hello family and loved ones, unfortunately on February 5, 2021 12:14PM my husband Jacinto Salazar tragically passed away in the hospital. A month ago we also lost my son Franklin Salazar and have yet to process his devastating passing. We would appreciate it very much if you can help us share and donate to this GoFundMe since we do not have the necessary funds for my husbands funeral and to help us in the next steps for our recovery. Thank you and God bless.
Hola familiares y amados, desafortunadamente en Febrero 5, 2021 a las 12:14PM falleció mi esposo Jacinto Salazar. Hace un mes tambien fallecio mi hijo Franklin Salazar y aún no hamos recuperado de ese gran tristeza y dolor. Se le agradecerá mucho si nos ayudan compartir este GoFundMe y si ponen su grano de arena para el funeral de mi esposo y para asistirnos para los proximos pasos de nuestras vidas. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga.
Update (1):
If you wish to visit Franklin's final resting place, it is located at https://www.rosehills.com/obituaries/whittier-ca/franklin-ocampo-10005204#grave-location (https://goo.gl/maps/Xiht3nXKtG9S15ybA). Franklin's father has also died (Jacinto Salazar Aleman), we would greatly appreciate any extra donations that would help our family in need during these hard times.
My name is Jacinto Salazar Aleman. This is to help with costs with my sons memorial and family costs. Covid 19 took my son on 12/29/2020 approximately at 9:22 pm. Franklin was the biggest and strongest in the family, and most of all, he was always my little boy in my eyes. We loved him, and we knew he loved us. Franklin died minutes after his mother asked him if he felt alright, he said yes, and about ten minutes later (when his mother came to check on him again) Covid took him. Paramedics tried their best, but he was gone. My little boy left us, he was only 32. He had just celebrated his birthday and Christmas, and was looking forward to the new year. We ask for help in these trying times, as we, ourselves, don't have much income. The memorial cost is for everything, including burial and services in between. The total invoice comes to $15246.63. The extra $753.37 is cushion for any extra unexpected expenses we might encounter. The person in charge of final expenses is my son Jimmy Yeung Salazar, his little brother and someone who always wanted to be just like him when they were little boys.
Organizer and beneficiary
Jacinto Salazar Aleman
South El Monte, CA
Jimmy Salazar