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Community Care Camper

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Hello Everyone! Let me tell you more about the community care camper project. Please check out the video for all of the details too.
 The Community Care Camper provides free herbal services to underserved populations, specifically to people who are experiencing homelessness in and around Ann Arbor, Michigan. In the winter we travel to the warming centers that are located at different churches each month. Our services include first aid, helping with colds, and flus, building immune function, and chronic health concerns. We also focus on preventive health care by educating people on self-care and supply resources. We look forward to expanding our services to other marginalized communites like domestic violence survivors, refugees and more. Because, the way today's current political climate is, we are all underserved in regards to accessing affordable healthcare.

 At the warming centers I can see up to ten people in two hours. This takes a lot of resources like; alcohol, glycerin, herbs, bottles, capsules, labels, and over the counter supplies. I also have to make sure that I have alternatives to alcohol tinctures since alcohol dependency can be a concern. Therefore supplies like glycerin  powdered herbs, and capsules are needed. This 5000 dollars would go towards helping me finish the inside of this camper. But more importantly to help sustain this project for the upcoming year. I financially cant sustain this alone.

I cant say thank you enough if you donate or even share!


Alexandra Rea
Webster Township, MI

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