Free Riders Rescue
Donation protected
******** October 2023 *********
UPDATE - The Herd of Mustangs in Guatemala has been successfully re-homed, but Horses in Lebanon now facing greater crisis still need our help!
FREE RIDERS GUILD is happy to announce that the herd of mustangs we were fundraising for over the last year have been successfully relocated to a land where they have shelter, food, water, medication, and space to run in Quetzaltenango - we will be sending more updates shortly to those who are interested in following the journey of this rescue herd, contact us if you are interested to get involved!
THANK YOU SO MUCH to all who donated and supported last year, your donations helped buy food and medicine for 18 horses during the crucial transition when they had no stable home or foreseen future - the fundraiser is still active, and any donations that come in from now will go towards supporting rescue horses in Lebanon affected by the current crisis in the Middle East.
All donations sent to Lebanon will go towards food and medication for horses at Rami's Equestrian Club in Baakline, where we are currently caring for 22 horses, many of whom were abandoned and left with us after not being fed for months - families fleeing Lebanon are abandoning their animals in order to save themselves, and those left behind must pick up the pieces and feed as many as possible.
Now, with crisis worsening in the middle east and war threatening from all directions, I am also trying to fundraise to get my two horses out of Lebanon and move them to Greece, where they can live out the rest of their lives in peace at the sanctuary we will be building there - thank you so much for all who have been a part of this journey and who continue to support the project!
******. MORE INFO **********
Free Riders Guild is an international collective of ethical equestrians focused on connection and communication based training methods, sustainable riding practices, rescue, rehabilitation, and world class horsemanship.
Our mission is to transform human-horse relations towards leveling up our skills and techniques by deepening and strengthening our relationships with our horses.
We work towards better lives both for our horses and the humans that love them, using techniques like Liberty Work (no saddle, no bridle, hand signals and body language)), Bit-free and bareback riding and training, Equine Therapy & Rehabilitation, Horse Rescue & Rehoming, and non-abusive training techniques that strengthen bonds between horses and humans for safer progress, greater performance, and deeper trust.
Free Riders Guild Members must have demonstrated exceptional level of trust, connection, & communication with their equine friends, either through training techniques, workshops & education, or otherwise significant contribution to the world of ethical equestrianism - or, avoid the paperwork and send us a video of you riding BIT FREE and HANDS FREE through the basic paces and gain automatic acceptance to the FRG Network!
We also accept volunteers, students, and collaborators from around the world interested in learning more about ethical equestrian training methods - contact us by whatsapp +12123654516 to join our horse tribe group and come ride with us!
For now, all funds raised will go towards the urgent essential necessities for horses facing crisis in Lebanon and Guatemala - Food, Medicine, and care.
Should we meet our goal of $100,000, we are now in a position to buy land and open a sanctuary that will serve as a forever home for rescued horses and the humans that love them!
FOR MORE INFO, whatsapp [phone redacted] or email [email redacted]
ARCHIVES / Transparency Logs - from then till now
********** April 2023 *******
My name is Kaleesa Seanna, and I am the co-founder of Free Riders Guild - working together with our international team, we are now desperately fundraising to raise support for our new Free Riders Guild Rescue horse project, which is currently responsible for about 40 neglected, abused, impoverished, landless, or abandoned horses between Lebanon and Guatemala, before this herd of 11 mustangs gets separated and lost for life!
Support from this fundraiser will go towards food and medical support for the horses, both our rescued Arabians in Lebanon and the herd of Rescued Mustangs in Guatemala, who are currently without an owner, a home, or a future.
We are currently seeking a forever home for the poor but beautiful Mustang Criollo herd mentioned above, located for now on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala - these horses have been through so much, they deserve a better life. If you are interested in buying the entire herd of 11 Mustangs and offering them a good future, we would love to hear from you!
Money raised will start with meeting the basic needs of all horses - but if we are successful in meeting our goal, then we will have enough budget to keep the herd for at least another year and cover all associated expenses for the horses in both countries, including much needed medical and veterinary care, a proper diet of healthy food, proper protocols, and fair pay for the workers, many of whom are currently working for less than $10 US dollars per day, paid by their current employers.
All volunteers, directors, and managers of the Free Riders Guild are currently working without salary, pouring our heart, time, and all of our money into this project because of our love of horses and our deep belief in the benefits that they bring to humanity. 100% of funds raised will go directly towards helping the horses - who in turn, do so much for all of us.
I have witnessed disabled children in wheelchairs recover near full spinal mobility due to equine therapy. I have seen horses save the lives of their riders more than once. I have seen the miracles that are possible when we work together - and nobody knows better than horse and rider how much more we can do when we are two!
Now if two becomes four, and four even more - imagine a world where cars powered by fossil fuels were no longer the norm, a future where all children learn how to grow food ride horses, where we went back to the rhythms of Earth and her seasons and migrational patterns - imagine we embraced evolution and followed in the path of our wiser animal ancestors, guides, and companions - how much better lives might we live?
Free Riders Rescue Program aims to co-create a network of Sanctuaries around the world, working with our existing partners and expanding our circle of collaborators, stables, and trainers to give our horses the best lives possible - and let them teach us how to live the best version of ours.
huge thanks to all who have donated, every dollar makes a huge difference in the lives of these horses!
from donations raised so far :
$300 towards food
$100 towards medication
$43 savings
if we raise the full amount!
$10,000 will pay the adoption fee for the Mustang herd of 11 horses
$1400 per month to maintain the herd with food and caretakers (x12 = $12,480 cost per year)
Any additional funds raised will be used to rehab, rescue and rehome more horses in need of love!
all funds are divided 50/50 between our Free Riders Rescue bases in Guatemala and in Lebanon - for any further questions please feel free to reach out by whatsapp +12123654516
”May all beings be free and happy” <3

Kaleesa Seanna
Miami Beach, FL