Freedom for Abel
Donation protected
Project Abel the bigger build is to help our son Abel have a better Quality of life, by having the adaptions that he needs.
Since we moved home to make life easier and more comfortable for Abel it's been a huge improvement seeing him happier, unfortunately we still need to adapt our home to make it work for him.
He hasn't been able to access the Kitchen as it's too small to get him in there and the garden because of the garden steps which are in a poor state and crumbling away so it's not safe. We've carried him down the steps a couple of times but its not ideal.
Doing this extension will also give Abel a slightly bigger bathroom so we can finally get his high-low bath in there as currently it's a very tiny bath and he's a growing boy and needs more space, water helps Abel an awful lots it's a medicine to him.
He has a lot of equipment some medical aswell as his specialist chairs and bed, so there's no room to store all it . As a result we need to extend his bedroom giving him the slope he needs to access the garden comfortably.
Part of the condition (Mitochondrial Disease) Leighs disease and Narp mutation is that Abel suffers with constant spasms, seizures, he is almost blind, deaf in one ear, cannot care for himself, unable, to hold his head, sit walk or communicate.
Abel loves soft lighting, cuddles, stories, water and to feel safe, we would love to make him a sensory area that he can relax in within his bedroom.
He constantly battles with his secretions so often that he chokes and needs regular suctioning, this causes him to struggle with his breathing often. He has lots of apneas so he cannot be left on his own.
When Abel was born he was born with Acid in his blood and had to be kept in hospital for 3 weeks before coming home!! We was home enjoying life as a family until he turned 5 months old. He caught a cold and this progressed into another viral infection which in turn he had to have lots of tests lumber puncture, CT scan and MRI and lots, lots more :-( as he came home from having all these tests he picked up a horrid Norovirus until this point our Baby boy was doing everything a baby should be except holding his head all the time. Norovirus brought out this horrible disease on our son. It presented itself to start off with with Seizures, Spasms, changed his life and and our world completely.
Abels almost 9 now and still a strong as ever fighter. He's growing all the time. Making the simple daily tasks we all take for granted very hard, bathing, eating, breathing!! Communication !! Being mobile to move around and having that independence and keep his dignity.
Please help us make this real for Abel !!
We try our hardest to keep Abel well and away from colds and other illnesses to keep him out of hospital as just a simple cold is life threatening to him.
We have some funds from loans but this is simply not enough to cover this and make it a reality.
Any help to make this become real for him would be amazing.
Thank you so much for your love, support and belief in our boy.
Claire Noakes