Freedom Planet Megapack for Source (COMPLETED!)
UPDATE!!: THIS GOFUNDME PAGE IS OFFICIALLY CLOSED, AND THE PROJECT MOVED HERE (PLEASE DO NOT DONATE VIA THIS PAGE LINK ANYMORE): https://www.deviantart.com/tyrakathedragonfan/gallery/76964191/model-donation-shop
Hey Internet. I'm TyrakatheDragonFan, and I need your help. As some of you might know, I am the creator of the Saga of Spyro webcomic series on Tumblr, a series that uses the video game/program Garry's Mod to create scenebuilds for screenshots, and these scenebuilds require models or maps ported in from other games to exist at all. Many of these models and maps I use can be found on the game's community workshop, but others that require a more personal and complex touch, need to be modeled from scratch with programs like Blender.
And since I can't model blender for myself (as I can't make heads or tails of the program), I pay associates to take my blueprints of characters and props to mold into 3D models for Gmod, and more often than not, they don't come very cheap.
So this time around, I need your help.
I've put a pause of ordering Spyro characters for the time being and have started working on a rather ambitious project: to order commissions of all the major characters and props from the Indie Game Freedom Planet. It's a large cast, and I've already spent a large amount of my own money to get
four characters in production.
So I come to ask you all to help donate to this cause, and finally get the main cast of Freedom Planet 1 and 2 into Garry's Mod and Source Filmmaker.
But what's in it for us, you wonder? Unlike my Spyro characters, which are staying private, this models will be uploaded to the web for free public use, planned to be released in one giant 'Freedom Planet Megapack' in the far future (though that might take a while). And whoever donates to this blog will get the models early as they are completed one by one. The more money you donate, the more models you can get when they're completed (keep in mind that the models will take time to get done, so you might not get it right away, but once it's done, it will be yours).:
Donations of $10 = One Freedom Planet characters of your choice from the currently existing selection. This will apply for every $10 Donation.
Donations of $50 = Five Freedom Planet characters of your choice.
Donations of $100 = An entire wave of characters will be yours as they are made(and seriously, thanks for this level of support).
Models Completed and Available for Testing (for the pre-mentioned Donation prices):
Sash Lilac (FP1 Outfit)
The Magister
Carol Tea
Models Paid For and Currently In Progress:
Maria Noette
Milla Basset
Neera Li
General Gong
King Dail
Princess Cordelia
Models Planned but Currently Unpaid For:
Sash Lilac (FP2 Outfit)
Mayor Zao
Arktivus Brevon
Corazon Tea
Captain Kalaw
I'm confident that $500 will be enough pay for the rest of Wave 1 at least (with or without the discount), but if not, then I'll accept further donations
or start another side fundraiser for the remaining amount. Right now, we're looking to get at Wave 1 completed first; if this Fundraiser works in that regard, I will continue onto Wave 2, and hopefully we'll see the Freedom Planet Megapack up and goingbefore we all know it.
I will also be updating this page with news and production previews for the characters and models. So make sure to follow it if you want to be kept up to speed on everything.
Thanks for the help, if you so choose to give it.