Free Ali Jamoos from US detention
UPDATE 03/27/17
$5000 have been transferred to pay the lawyer. We have attached is the first receipt in the update section and the second receipt will be uploaded end of the week. Ali's hearing is THIS week. During which we hope to rescind the expedited order of removal. We are very hopeful for a rapid process (on the span of 2-3 weeks) to get Ali out.
We thank all of you for allowing Ali to have a great legal representation and for the enormous support and love from all over the world.
Next, Ali will go through the legal process that will allow him to seek a new student visa.
This is the power of people! Raising $2000/hour we were able to reach our goal within almost two hours. Additional donations will support Ali throughout this difficult process beyond the initial lawyer costs. UWC network lawyers have already messaged us to tell us that Ali is most likely facing a long legal process that will far exceed the initial legal fees. So please keep donating and sharing. If anything is left at the end, it will be used to support similar cases, as Ali has gotten to know many people with similar situations that have been detained for several months already! (We will find the right charities; more on this as we progess along)
Our good friend and brother from Palestine, Ali Jamoos, is currently being detained at an immigration center in Florida. Ali is a graduate of United World College, New Mexico campus, and a student at the University of Florida. His hard work and dedication earned him a merit based 100% scholarship to the University of Florida. Anyone that has met him knows he is an extremely generous, kind-hearted man who always puts others before himself. When Ali is at home in Palestine with his 11 siblings, he takes care of everyone and manages their family business at the same time, since his father has been fighting with his health recently. Now it’s time that we help Ali.
Due to extreme psychological distress Ali has been experiencing the last few months (his father got really sick) and other personal reasons that have accumulated over the years he was living through the conflicts in Palestine, Ali was forced to do a medical withdrawal from classes for the Spring semester of 2017. As his paperwork was processing, Ali was picked up by US Border Protection on March 10th and has since been held at a detention center in Florida.
We have been friends with Ali for many years and despite all the hardships he went through in his life, we have never seen his smile fade away. Except last weekend. When we visited him at the detention center, he was worried about being deported and not being able to finish his UF degree and graduate. He has only 2 semesters left before graduation. If he is deported, he will get a 5 year ban from the US, and probably will never be able to return to UF to finish his degree. Let’s bring back Ali’s smile which kindled our life with joy.
Ali is being represented by a lawyer, who we are confident, will do everything she can do to get him out of the detention center as fast as possible. However, to get the best representation he can, he needs your help. The lawyer fees are estimates at $3,800, which he cannot afford alone. We are asking friends near and far to pitch in to help him. Most of us have experienced a financial crisis at one moment or another in our lives and have received help. Let’s show Ali some love. The campaign goal inlcudes the roughly 8% that GoFundMe charges for processing.
Disclosure for GoFundMe: Angie Aguirre will be the beneficiary of the campaign, as she is a very good friend of Ali, and is currently in Miami. She meets regularly with Ali and the detention center and will transfer the funds to Ali's lawyer.
Thank you for reading this and giving whatever you can!
Peace and love,
His brothers and sisters from the University of Florida and UWC