Fresh 92.7 Heart Beats 2020 Fundraiser
If Fresh 92.7 is the beat of Adelaide, our on-air studio is the beating heart of our station. After pumping out fresh beats for 22 years our heart is beating a bit unsteadily and showing signs of wear and tear. Our phone system especially is on life support and needs to be replaced by the end of the year or we’ll have to resort to Morse Code or carrier pigeons.
With COVID-19 impacting all not-for-profit organisations like Fresh our finances have taken a big hit and we can’t do this alone. We need your help!
Our last major fundraiser was three years ago and thanks to those that helped us to ‘Level Up’ we were able to replace our dinosaur IT equipment.
We’re looking for South Australia’s help again to keep us running while we bring our studio up to scratch and replace our outdated phone system which is being turned off in December.
If that's not enough to encourage you, check out the priceless incentives listed below. Some have limited availability and once they're all gone they're gone. It doesn't mean you can't donate that amount, there just won't be an incentive tied to your donation.
As part of your donation if you want to secure one of these limited beauties make sure to include the name of your selected incentive in your comment and agree to share your email with us.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Fresh 92.7
Adelaide, SA