Friends of Wightman Park
We need your help to make Wightman Park the great park that our community deserves! Greenspaces are so important to a neighborhood and we want to make sure that Wightman Park can be ready this year for baseball games, picnics, and family walks. We need to raise $20,000 by the end of the year to provide additional maintenance beyond what is already provided by the City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works to make our park even more beautiful. Your donation will be used to pay for maintaining the bathroom, landscaping, and general park maintenance. Please give what you can and ask your friends and family to do the same. We are being funded purely by donations from the community and will need all the help we can get to have this park ready for the summer.
More information about Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition Inc: The Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition Is A Non-Profit Community Organization Dedicated To Preserving And Improving The Quality Of Life In The 14th Ward Of The City Of Pittsburgh. Members Of Our Volunteer Supported Standing Committees Work To Provide Leadership To Our Community By Studying, Debating And Advocating Positions On Issues Affecting Our Neighborhood's Vitality.