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Wrongful Epps Lawsuit Support For Portia Prescott

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January 18, 2022! I am letting go and letting God. I Need 100 PEOPLE TO DONATE $6 within 72 hours! Please help me! Just $6!!

Think this is long to read! Try 10 YEARS of hundreds of pages! I feel like I am a lawyer, now that I have studied laws over a decade simply to DEFEND MYSELF CONSTANTLY! OK, you may need to read in spurts it's so much, BUT PLEASE AT SOME POINT PLEASE READ ALL OF GOFUNDME! Don't SKIM!   Elisabeth Epps sued me for 1.5 million dollars.  I was served by Elisabeth Epps at my Emerge Colorado class in April 2019.  Below you will read the 11 counts for which she sued me as filed by Epps herself in 2019. Its been 3 of the worst years of my life and the result, the case dismissed. See screenshot of signed dismissal from the Judge filed in Denver, County courts. Before you read the entire detail of what Elisabeth Epps sued me for. I have had 4 attorney firms to defend myself from Epps crafty lies and mistruths.  But the irony, see attached document: Epps agreed to a no-contact agreement from Aurora's Arapahoe County in Colorado in 2015. So, why are you reading this GoFundMe in 2022 which is getting close to 7 years later. My guess would be the law. Epps has the money to keep suing me whenever and however, as long as she can and it's my burden of proof to go into debt to defend and keep clearing my name. The Law is off. I won't be abused and harassed by the law and my burden of proof to always defend the lies when in 2015 Elisabeth Epps signed a no contact. Read the rest so you can see what she sued me for and WHY I HAD TO GO INTO DEBT TO DEFEND MYSELF. IT WAS NOT AGAINST JUST ME. Elisabeth Epps also sued my Company, Prescott Solutions. Colorado law does not allow you to defend your company with just yourself. The COLORADO LAW requires companies to hire an attorney to defend it. SO I WAS FORCED TO HIRE ATTORNEY'S TO DEFEND MY COMPANY ALSO! ELISABETH EPPS SUED MY SMALL BUSINESS AND I AM A BLACK SINGLE MOM who was barely surviving! Please read this entire GoFundMe. 

December 21, 2021! I will be updating a lot more on all that is happening. For now, trying to handle life and the devastating debt that Elisabeth Epps has caused me. I am a college student Mother riddled with more debt from lawyers to defend myself from Epps and her frivolous lawsuit. I paid lawyers twice what it cost for my degree at Brown University. I also used funds from my daughter’s college money to defend myself from Elisabeth Epps. In the end, I won or did I? As you can read yourself, the judge dismissed the lawsuit without prejudice. Epps sued me for over 1.5 million dollars and after years of legal fees, the end result you can read yourself. The long list of lies is gruesome. 

Epps strapped me with over $250,000.00 to dispel all of her lies and to protect my company, Prescott Solutions! My daughter is living college life with no student loans, because I worked 10 times harder to make sure the money I used to defend myself from Epps, would not enforce massive student debt on my daughter. So yes the lawsuit is over. Read the results yourself. The law is off. You can be sued by anyone and it’s your job to go into debt to prove the accuser wrong. So in the end, is paying $250k+ to attorneys really a win, when you were wrongfully sued behind vengeance and lies? In the end, it was worth it, maybe, because all know now, that I will just stand up to bullies no matter how expensive the lawyers may cost! I won’t allow anyone to use the legal system to take away my freedom or money from my daughter. It’s no win, when you have to pay over $250,000 cash to defend lies against you. NO LAW CAN TAKE AWAY MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH AS A DENVER, COLORADO NATIVE AND AMERICAN! SO ELISABETH EPPS WILL HAVE TO LEARN! I AM WILLING TO PROTECT MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH FOREVER!


She won’t be able to harm me anymore or anyone else like this ever again! I am not the only one, just the only one strong enough to stand up to her lies and manipulation of the legal system

And when I say she can’t harm others the way she has harmed me for over a decade, it’s real! Please see a tweet FROM HER NOW CAMPAIGN TWITTER "@ElisabethEpps on Twitter" that Elisabeth Epps did to me and Rev Dawn Duval Riley, Founder of Soul to Soul Sisters on Twitter telling how she had "copious records" on me going back to 2011. Why did ELISABETH Epps feel it necessary to dig up every aspect of my life going back to 2011? I was NEVER introduced to ELISABETH EPPS nor did I know Elisabeth Epps when she harassed me for years on Facebook and Twitter. ONLY WAY, I knew Elisabeth Epps was because of Richard Lewis, CEO and Founder of RTL Networks ( 10 years later, 3 years of being sued by Elisabeth Epps for 1.5 Million dollars and I spend over $300,000 in attorney fees……..Elisabeth Epps “copious records” or whatever she says was strategy because she lied. I guess Elisabeth Epps throws out a disclaimer (like her many supporters,) she "has receipts, records, proof, any damn word you can use, because that must mean her lies are true! So, NEWS FLASH WHITE PEOPLE! WHEN FOLKS SCREAM THEY HAVE RECORDS, PROOF, EVIDENCE, DOCUMENTS, RECEIPTS, etc; IMMEDIATELY DO YOUR OWN COURT DOCUMENT SEARCH AND GO FIND THE RECORDS ON THEM! DON'T BELIEVE THE, "I HAVE RECEIPTS BULL SHIT! STOP! THINK! WHAT AND WHY SAY THAT??????? HAVE I REVIEWED MYSELF?>>>>>>>>>>>>> WHAT DOES THIS "RECEIPTS" or "RECORDS" even me? Why is that a thing? Why do you need to dig up a single Black Mother's receipts when she is a Mom?  What and why? The question is WHY? Why am I so damn interesting to anyone that you dig up every aspect of my life in 2011 and then sue me in 2019? WHY ME? Only way I knew Epps was because of Richard Lewis, CEO of RTL Networks who I have known for over 23+ Years.

If you want MY RECEIPTS on Epps go look at Aurora, Arapahoe & Denver County police and court records. I don’t need to say I have receipts….the police and courts have the hundreds of documented pages! Do your homework! Do your own research and look at police records and court records whenever you hear “receipts.” Look yourself! My receipts show Epps has been digging and harassing me since 2011! 


All updates coming soon. For now, I need help with the last $73,000.00 (MONEY STATUS ALERT: 1/18/22 it's now $69,000) to my lawyers at Messner Reeves for all of the lies Epps sued me for.  Stay tuned. I am haunted by lawyer debt from Epps, so I work 3 jobs now. Please donate what you can. Thanks! 


October 5, 2021 Update: Despite my best efforts to keep this from going to trial, none of it matters. So, I am letting go and letting God. Trial is in Denver County Courts in Colorado on Monday, October 18, 2021 at 8am. If you only really knew how much I have personally spent on my Lawyers, Scott Evans and team, it would blow your mind. So I have lowered the ask amount to just help me with the smallest needs so I can make sure all is ready for trial! Any amount even if it’s $5 bucks, helps more than I can ever tell you! Ashe! 

It has been beyond hard for me to start this GoFundMe campaign. In April 2019, I, and my company became the targets of a harmful and audacious civil lawsuit for over 1 Million dollars filed by Elisabeth Epps, the founder and Executive Director of Colorado Freedom Fund for 11 Claims of libel, slander, defamation, Colorado Organized Crime Act Violation, Abuse of process, Aiding and Abetting, Negligent Supervision and Civil Conspiracy. This lawsuit details claims that I failed to supervise an “employee” that has NEVER worked for me or my company along with numerous other allegations. The alleged employee that I am claimed to have not supervised is my sister. I had planned to run for office following graduation from a very prestigious program, Emerge Colorado in 2019, but now I am not because of this exhausting lawsuit. Once this lawsuit is over,  I plan to resume with my political career and devote my time to serving my Colorado community. 

(CURRENT UPDATE: See above. It takes money to run for office. I spent over $250k to get all counts dismissed from Elisabeth Epps. Still owe $73,000.00. Working 3 jobs to pay the final bill for my lawyer. I can’t run for office obviously with this debt I have to pay to Messner Reeves. FYI, Elisabeth Epps is running for office in Denver in Denver House District 6 #HD6, in a district that I lived in for 10+ years. Emerge Colorado posted a photo of their Class of 2022 and from the photo it appears or looks like she is also in  the Emerge Colorado Class of 2022. Have no clue how she afforded her attorneys for the last 3 years to sue me. If you read the case file in Denver County. She didn’t get 1.5 million but she got $25,000.00 CASH from me to avoid her horrific intent to play an alleged or supposed “revenge porn” sex tape of me with a man, Richard Lewis, I was at one time going to marry. She claims this “porn” tape (Elisabeth Epps lied of course) of Richard Lewis and I was mysteriously sent to her and in 2019 right before Christmas her conscience wanted a sex tape of me off her phone. I wonder WHO mysteriously sent a supposed tape of Me & Richard Lewis to Elisabeth Epps phone line and just KNEW she knew me. Remember, we had never met other than RICHARD LEWIS!  Who cares that much about me and Richard Lewis that they just had to notify Elisabeth Epps. 

I guess I will never know. I can’t make this up!!!  So, I guess I helped Elisabeth Epps kick off her campaign with a FREE $25,000 cashiers check from ME! Meanwhile, It’s December 24th and Christmas Eve and I have to pay my daughters spring tuition by January 6th. In case you didn’t know her University is roughly $70,000 a year and she will graduate with NO STUDENT LOANS! So Elisabeth Epps drains me for over $250k and begs for money every day for her political campaign in a district that was my home for over 10 years. Such irony! Elisabeth Epps wants to run in a district I CALL HOME that she mysteriously chose to move in and poof a few months later she is the right candidate for the district. Wait how long has she lived in my daughter’s home district? What irony that my district where Priya enjoyed as a child is suddenly the district for Elisabeth Epps. Elisabeth Epps now gets money every day from her campaign and her Freedom Fund where she brags that all employees there make a minimum of $30/hour. 

Well for me, 3 jobs & a daughter who needs her mom to pay her tuition at American University in Washington DC. 

Please donate to me so I can make sure I have the money I need to pay my daughters tuition since I spent a lot of her college money defending myself from Elisabeth Epps. I do work 3 jobs while running my business. I refuse to have my daughter go into debt for a degree. I work hard and feel blessed that I have many people who have helped me through hell from Epps during her frivolous lawsuit against me. 

I wonder how much cash Elisabeth Epps paid for her son to go to college. Did Elisabeth Epps pay all of his tuition so he would have no student debt? How much did she pay out of pocket for her son’s college? I have no clue but my daughter is a freshman at American University in Washington DC. I know I have many more years to pay, so anything you can donate help my pain.)

Elisabeth Epps has removed her Facebook page prior to filing this lawsuit and she had previously posted numerous times about me and my family members. This ongoing (delayed due to the likes of COVID-19 court dates) lawsuit has been pending for more than 2 years. My family and I are very involved in living our lives, helping our Native Denver, Colorado Community and have been moving about our lives without bringing our pains out to others and continue to be there when needed by others. We have been enduring the outrageous legal fees, burden and stress all by ourselves up until this point. We have yet to have our day in court. My company and my family members are tired of this process and the claims and audacity of this lawsuit. We will defend ourselves against these allegations. No one can begin to understand the hell I've been going through for years as a target.
In 2021, I had hoped that this awful matter would have come to a close as I am now facing college tuition for my daughter who graduates from high school this year. With large financial requirements needed for her to enter college in the fall, I am now asking for any help I can get, to end this lawsuit. I am being sued for OVER 1 Million dollars and I can't afford to keep a roof over my daughter's head, her college tuition and maintaining my small business as a Single Mother with these legal fees.
At this point, with the numerous lengthy Motions that Elisabeth Epps and her attorneys continuously file making this process more mentally excruciating and costly, I can no longer go through this process without asking for help as the legal fees have now surmounted to over $100,000. Yes, the legal fees have surpassed $100,000 and from my understanding they will continue to mount until we have our day in court and this case is concluded later this year. I am asking for any donations you can give to help me fight this lawsuit so I may defend myself, my company, my family and finally have peace and closure. I look forward to just enjoying having my life. I thank you for your consideration and your help!


With Love and Peace

Portia Prescott



  • Thomas Exum Jr
    • $25
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $33
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $22
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $6
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $10
    • 3 yrs


Portia Realer
Aurora, CO

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