From a journalist to a medical doctor
Hello, my name is Rafal, and I am 44 years old. I have been a journalist for the last 25 years working as a news reporter, correspondent, tv host and a newspaper columnist. I liked that job profoundly but could not feel complete knowing that I somehow missed my real dream - to be a medicine doctor. It took me years to understand I should go for it, but eventually it did. And here I am - a freshly admitted medical student. How did I get there? Over three years ago my father was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a malicious brain cancer, with no hope for recovery. I fought for extending his life for as long as humanly possible looking for best therapies there were, organizing home care for him so that his life was bearable while facing the inevitable. It's when he looked at me the other day and said I should become a doctor. I smiled kindly thinking this kind of change of professional life cannot happen being middle-aged, while I have to work and provide for myself, let alone study an extremely difficult faculty and paying for this a huge tuition at the same time. So I volunteered to help people living on the streets as a team member of an ambulance crew dedicated to the homeless in Warsaw, Poland. It is where I learnt many medical procedures, but mainly I have discovered in me the passion to cure and to know how to do it. At the beginning I thought to become a paramedic and study this for the next years, but remembering my late father's words I changed my mind and I tried my best at the entrance exam at a medical university. And I got the highest score - 95%, just exactly 25 years after I had the last contact with the high school material and 25 years since my maturity exam. Not bad, huh? And here comes why I need your help. The tuition for the general medicine faculty is high, the least to say. 7000 euro per academic year, for the next 6 years. Studying medicine gives me no option for regular working and providing for myself. There will be just studying, studying and practicing. I feel in my guts I will be a good doctor. The drive I have in me, empathy for the suffering and the analytical brain is a nice combination to achieve that. But 6 years is a long time and without funding I won't be able to get there and give myself to my future patients. I want to share my knowledge, I want to help cease suffering and pain, I want to solve medical problems. I just need you to help me learn how. thank you so much!!!