Fight against bullying in schools
We are running this campaign to help support the Bearded Fishermen suicide prevention support lines, 10 lines dedicated to offering support to people 24/7 that are struggling with mental health and suicidal thoughts. these lines can and do save lives, as part of the campaign we are hoping to get children in school and parents to join us in a protest against bullying in schools and the information is available via our anti bullying website the link is Bearded Fishermen anti bullying
Maybe it's time for a compulsory code of practice for schools and an anti bullying policy designed to resolve conflict similar to the model set out in the workplace.
We are starting a campaign to help us in changing legislation with the government and with school boards to get the schools to update and follow the policies set out to protect students that are being bullied both at school and out of school via cyber bullying and social media. This bullying has caused numerous deaths by suicide and attempted suicides. Our campaign is to raise awareness and hopefully get the law and legislation changed to make schools accountable for their action and to uphold the policies that they have in place rather than just looking at the schools reputation.
All schools should have these policies but how many actually follow their own rules. From the stories we have heard not many do and this is not acceptable.
The current policies should have included:
In the UK, all state schools are required by law to have a behaviour policy that includes measures to prevent bullying among students. This policy should be clear and easy for pupils, staff, and parents to understand, and should include measures to prevent all forms of bullying, including cyberbullying, prejudice-based bullying, and discriminatory bullying. The policy should also give head teachers the ability to ensure that students behave when they are not on school premises or under the control of school staff.
Here are some other aspects of school anti-bullying policies:
The policy should be communicated to all pupils, staff, and parents.
Students can report concerns to a trusted adult, such as a class teacher or tutor, or to a "worry box" in the classroom. Parents can also report concerns to named individuals. Staff should be trained to listen and believe students, and to involve them in finding solutions as much as possible.
Code of practice
The policy should be supported by a code of practice that outlines procedures for addressing allegations, documenting incidents, and risk assessing each case. A dedicated expert within the school should be appointed to oversee the process and deal with cases.
Staff should be trained to recognize types of bullying and signs of possible victims. MindEd offers a free online training tool for adults that can help school staff learn more about children's mental health problems and how to identify, understand, and support students who are bullied.
Do you want to join us in making a difference? I'm raising money in aid of Bearded Fishermen Charity and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about Bearded Fishermen Charity: We are a mental health awareness and suicide prevention charity we help families in need with all aspects of mental health and vulnerable families that are struggling. www.beardedfishermen.org.uk.

Rick Roberts Angler
Bearded Fishermen Charity