Help for Eddie Weiner
Eddie Weiner was getting out of his van on January 1st at 7 am and was struck by an 18 wheeler in the parking lot of Sam’s Club on route 40 in Baltimore, MD. He was knocked to the ground and as the truck thought he may have hit something, the truck stopped. Within seconds instead of getting out of the truck, the driver started the motor again and his back tire ran over my stepfather and left him lying in the street to bleed out. Eddie suffers from two broken arms, a broken leg, a fractured ankle, broken ribs, and a smashed wrist/hand. He has undergone 22 blood transfusions and 10 hours worth of surgery. He still needs skin grafts to close the open wounds on his arm and hand. He lays in the shock trauma unit right now and hasn’t been able to talk yet.
Eddie has been my step father since I was
nine years old. He is the kindest, toughest
guy I have ever known. He and my mom have been together for over 35 years This is
an awful situation and we are trying to pick
up the pieces.
He has never stopped working a day in his life and he is 71 years old. Right now I
need to raise money to pay people to
continue to service the nursing home
machines with candy, soda, and other
My mother needs support. This is a huge
undertaking. We have not caught the driver of this truck yet. Please help my mother with
this stress and help keep my step dad’s
business from going under.
We are hopeful Eddie will make a recovery. It will take a lot of time. Please send our family prayers, healing energy and woo if you can’t
make a small donation.
With love,