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Fuel Holton Quiz Bowl Team's Dream to Compete

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The Holton Quiz Bowl Team has earned an invitation to the NAQT National Championship in Atlanta, Georgia. We’re trying to go, but we’re going to need a little help getting there.

This is the final year that this core group will be together and competing on the highest stage is a fitting way for them to disembark from their high school years to what comes after for each of them.

If you are unfamiliar with Holton, it’s a lower socioeconomic community in West Michigan. The school is a 100% free and reduced lunch district. Through no fault of their own, many of our students have never even been out of Michigan. Despite hardships in the community, the kids strive to do better for themselves. We love them, and love fostering this attitude.

This team studies relentlessly and has worked cohesively for the last six years. This trip and the competition can be the cherry on top of their careers.

It has always been the mission of Coaches Wagenmaker, Gripton and English to show the kids on our teams, both athletic and academic, the fun and adventure of experiencing what’s out there beyond our small town. We hope to do more than just compete and luckily Coach English has some great friends in Atlanta from his time teaching at the Westminster School. Former co-worker and longtime friend Amelia Blaska is also going out of her way on the Atlanta end to help facilitate showing our competitors what Atlanta has to offer, from baseball games, to Halls of Fame, to great places to take the kids to eat, it's all going to take money and your generosity is so helpful in a great experience for our amazing team.

We thoroughly appreciate anything you might be able to do to help our kids make this trip to Atlanta, not only to compete against the best teams in the country, but have a little fun along the way.


  • Michael King
    • $100
    • 4 mos
  • Sherry Frazier
    • $50
    • 4 mos
  • Peggy Sattler
    • $100
    • 4 mos
  • Julie Zenk
    • $60
    • 4 mos
  • Sabryna Benmark
    • $15
    • 4 mos


Mark English
Holton, MI

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