Save the wild horse pasture
Tax deductible

HELP keep the 14 acre dry pasture used for WILD HORSES! The landowner wants all the past due money owed paid by November 1st or we will be forced to leave. We are making regular payments for their monthly board but need help with the past due balance that has built up since 2011. Your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donations are needed so the rescued wild horses in our outreach program won't lose their pasture and their place of peace and healing after being at-risk of going to slaughter.
Land is so expensive in the SF Bay Area. It's impossible to find another affordable 14 acres for wild horses here. Most landowners don't want "wild" horses on their property either. Many landowners are cattlemen and they don't seem to like wild horses. . .There is a lot of prejudice against wild mustangs and that is exactly why we need to keep this pasture for the wild ones. They are miserable in stalls and that would be much more expensive also.
We have boarded rescued wild horses at the dry pasture since early 2011, supplementing hay daily and the mustangs have been happy. The landowner has been kind and open-minded to allow us to do outreach with Blondie, Tibet, Sol and Val at the pasture also.
Besides outreach, we use the dry pasture so wild horses can heal from the trauma of roundups and trauma of losing their families, abusive handling by BLM wranglers and to relax between training periods--so they can just be horses. . . roaming freely on the hillside acreage.
As a nonprofit organization, made up of volunteers, we have had hard times over the years and fell behind on pasture board payments at times. It's been really hard to pull all the expenses together when the rescued mustangs don't all have sponsors. Please contact us if you would like to sponsor Val, Sol, Blondie or Tibet and be a special part of their lives. Sponsorship will be a big help to prevent this from happening again.
The landowner has been very kind to wait this long for the past-due balance--but now he needs the money. He has given us a warning to pay or leave so he can board other horses in the pasture.
We are paying their monthly board (we also buy the hay to feed them daily) but as we operate on a shoestring HELP is needed to pay off the past due amount that accrued. The clock is ticking. . .
Protect Mustangs a 100% volunteer nonprofit organization and your donations are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE because we are sponsored by the Andean Tapir Fund, a 501c3 while ours is in the works.
Thank you for doing what you can do to help the WILD horses keep their pasture home. Your tax-deductible donations will ensure wild horses can stay living in an affordable peaceful dry pasture until we create the much needed sustainable eco-sanctuary.
Many blessings,
Anne Novak
Executive Director
Besides outreach, we use the dry pasture so wild horses can heal from the trauma of roundups and trauma of losing their families, abusive handling by BLM wranglers and to relax between training periods--so they can just be horses. . . roaming freely on the hillside acreage.
As a nonprofit organization, made up of volunteers, we have had hard times over the years and fell behind on pasture board payments at times. It's been really hard to pull all the expenses together when the rescued mustangs don't all have sponsors. Please contact us if you would like to sponsor Val, Sol, Blondie or Tibet and be a special part of their lives. Sponsorship will be a big help to prevent this from happening again.
The landowner has been very kind to wait this long for the past-due balance--but now he needs the money. He has given us a warning to pay or leave so he can board other horses in the pasture.
We are paying their monthly board (we also buy the hay to feed them daily) but as we operate on a shoestring HELP is needed to pay off the past due amount that accrued. The clock is ticking. . .
Protect Mustangs a 100% volunteer nonprofit organization and your donations are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE because we are sponsored by the Andean Tapir Fund, a 501c3 while ours is in the works.
Thank you for doing what you can do to help the WILD horses keep their pasture home. Your tax-deductible donations will ensure wild horses can stay living in an affordable peaceful dry pasture until we create the much needed sustainable eco-sanctuary.
Many blessings,
Anne Novak
Executive Director
Anne Novak
Berkeley, CA
Andean Tapir Fund