Fund for Aimee Vaughn
Aimee's mother Lindsey has contracted incurable cancer. If you played Achaea in the last few years, you knew her as Aurora, the Goddess of Light. Her medical staff is working hard to give her as much time as possible, but it isn't curable.
I'd like to raise some money to help make life a little easier for her daughter. It would be held by Aimee's grandparents until she reaches 18.
Iron Realms is contributing $3000 and we will match the next $3000 in donations from other people as well.
Please help!
To be clear, I'm Matt Mihaly, the CEO of Iron Realms, in the Bay Area, California, USA. I run the company that Lindsey (Aimee's mother) was part of for a long time. When we heard she was in a bad way, we thought the most appropriate thing we could do is raise money for her daughter. Most of the donations are from other community members of our games.
The funds are going to Aimee's grandmother (Aimee, her mother, and her grandparents live in the UK) - Sylvia Gutteridge to keep for Aimee until she reaches 18 years of age. I'll be withdrawing the money because gofundme needs a US-based person to withdraw, and then wiring it to Sylvia in the UK.