Fund for Brie-Lynn
My sister Tara and brother in-law Tim are living out every parent's worst nightmare. Last Sunday a large mass was found in the abdomen of my 18 month old neice Brie-Lynn. After several tests, our worst fears came to reality today as Brie-Lynn has been diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, a soft tissue cancer common to children.
The tumor is so large that surgery is out of the question and must be shrunk with chemotherapy first.
Brie-Lynn is in for a long road consisting of bi-weekly hospital visits for chemotherapy, radiation and ultimately surgery to remove the tumor. Her medical team estimates this to last about one year. This poor little girl is fighting for her life and doesn't even know it.
I can not express enough gratitude as the love and support pours in from family and friends. I have been asked by several people what they can do to help, which prompted me to start this fundraiser.
Tara and Tim live about an hour from the Children's Hospital. The distance from hospital coupled with the fact that either Tara or Tim will be required to take days off without pay to attend to the hospital are sure to take its toll financially for gas, meals and time off work.
Tara and Tim are very proud and would never ask for help, but I will on their behalf. Its bad enough stressing about caring for a child with Cancer and any help on the financial front would be greatly appreciated.
I will start things off and thank anyone who wishes to donate.
Shane, Cindy and Aidan Wepruk