Fund for Michael and Carol Lilly
Donation protected
Life Update:
Very few people know what’s been going on. So let me fill as many people in at once. Thursday July 9th my mom dropped my dad off at the ER because he had a fever for many days, couldn’t leave bed, was very sick and complained that his back was hurting a lot. He got admitted Friday morning. Due to Covid, my mom was finally able to go up to my dads room and see him Friday afternoon. Shortly after talking to him she noticed he wasn’t all there. He was saying things that didn’t make sense, hallucinating and he was very delirious. That’s when it all started. After a CAT scan, blood work, many tests and multiple MRIs - they found out he had a staph infection in his foot from a sore that developed from being diabetic, very low sodium and magnesium levels, a UTI, pneumonia, kidneys were functioning at 60% and they found an infection between T4 and T5 on his spine. Recent tests have shown the infection has spread to his bones. At this time they aren’t sure how the infection got to his spine. They also believe all the memory problems are due to his very bad infection but they aren’t 100% sure. We are waiting for results from new MRIs. The treatment plan for now is to pump him with strong antibiotics and try to cure the infection that way. If one type doesn’t work, they’ll try another one. If, after many attempts, the infection doesn’t get better with antibiotics they’ll try surgery. Right now surgery is the last option because the infection is so close to his nerves. As the doctor explained, at some point you just have to pick one of the two evils though. But for obvious reasons he’s not leaving the hospital anytime soon. Which also means he can’t work and won’t be working for awhile.
Im asking everyone to say a prayer and I know my mom is begging for them. We’d love for a miracle to happen and they find the perfect potion on the first try and we see improvements instantly and he recovers at lightening speed. Who knows, crazier things have happened. What I can’t imagine though is being in my moms shoes and walking into the room every time and seeing that my dad is fighting to leave, isn’t sure why he’s there and now doesn’t know who she is at all - even when he’s off all medicine. Let that sink in. Your spouse not knowing who you are. She has to watch her husband sit there confused and not in his right mind. She’s also up with him all night long because he wakes up, asks a few crazy questions, tries to fight his restraints to leave, falls back asleep for 5 minutes and then starts it all over again. That goes on all night. I’m sure you can only imagine how exhausted she is. I don’t know how someone sits there with as much strength as she does while watching my dad get strapped down multiple times because he’s fighting to leave the hospital because none of it makes sense to him right now, but my mom is freaking superwoman. If you are close to my mom or dad, you know how this is another huge bump in the road for them. You’d also know how this is one of many big struggles they’ve faced in the last few years. Pray. Pray every time you think of them. Pray God just wraps His arms around them and lets them know He’s there. Pray for the doctors and nurses caring for my dad. And pray for others just to be nice and patient.
My dad obviously isn’t taking phone calls and responding to texts at this time, but my mom sees everyone calling or texting him asking if he’s okay because they haven’t heard back from him in awhile - so she has asked that I write all of this. My mom is doing everything she can to respond to people. She’s dealing with multiple doctors and nurses a day, trying to continue to work, figure out bills, power of attorneys and so much more. So please just remember that and have a little grace. She does call me a lot, if you want an update just text or message me on Facebook.
My mom would do, and has done, so much for people who’ve needed it. Even when she had very little to give, she has always thought of everyone else before herself. Always. If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting her and getting to know her, I’m most certain you can think of at the VERY least a time she has helped you out or done something nice for you. Right now she needs an army of people and prayers. We all know times are weird and if all you can do is pray, please pray and don’t stop. But I’m asking for her because I know she won’t, they need help. And If you can help out in anyway at all, let me know. Some have already dropped off food for her and Clayton so they don’t have to worry about groceries or cooking. Some have sent her a Starbucks gift card and goodies just to cheer her up. She needs the help. She won’t eat right now if food isn’t easily accessible and I know she’s picking sleep over cooking and cleaning things up. I appreciate anything and everything anyone has done for them as I feel completely helpless until I can get there and help out.
With that being said, I’m trying to figure out my plans on how to get there and when. With Ben being in the army, all the travel restrictions due to COVID and my parents living in Florida - it just makes it more difficult to get there ASAP. So say some prayers for that and for when Ben has to stay at home with the kids.
Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart ❤️ We appreciate you all.
Very few people know what’s been going on. So let me fill as many people in at once. Thursday July 9th my mom dropped my dad off at the ER because he had a fever for many days, couldn’t leave bed, was very sick and complained that his back was hurting a lot. He got admitted Friday morning. Due to Covid, my mom was finally able to go up to my dads room and see him Friday afternoon. Shortly after talking to him she noticed he wasn’t all there. He was saying things that didn’t make sense, hallucinating and he was very delirious. That’s when it all started. After a CAT scan, blood work, many tests and multiple MRIs - they found out he had a staph infection in his foot from a sore that developed from being diabetic, very low sodium and magnesium levels, a UTI, pneumonia, kidneys were functioning at 60% and they found an infection between T4 and T5 on his spine. Recent tests have shown the infection has spread to his bones. At this time they aren’t sure how the infection got to his spine. They also believe all the memory problems are due to his very bad infection but they aren’t 100% sure. We are waiting for results from new MRIs. The treatment plan for now is to pump him with strong antibiotics and try to cure the infection that way. If one type doesn’t work, they’ll try another one. If, after many attempts, the infection doesn’t get better with antibiotics they’ll try surgery. Right now surgery is the last option because the infection is so close to his nerves. As the doctor explained, at some point you just have to pick one of the two evils though. But for obvious reasons he’s not leaving the hospital anytime soon. Which also means he can’t work and won’t be working for awhile.
Im asking everyone to say a prayer and I know my mom is begging for them. We’d love for a miracle to happen and they find the perfect potion on the first try and we see improvements instantly and he recovers at lightening speed. Who knows, crazier things have happened. What I can’t imagine though is being in my moms shoes and walking into the room every time and seeing that my dad is fighting to leave, isn’t sure why he’s there and now doesn’t know who she is at all - even when he’s off all medicine. Let that sink in. Your spouse not knowing who you are. She has to watch her husband sit there confused and not in his right mind. She’s also up with him all night long because he wakes up, asks a few crazy questions, tries to fight his restraints to leave, falls back asleep for 5 minutes and then starts it all over again. That goes on all night. I’m sure you can only imagine how exhausted she is. I don’t know how someone sits there with as much strength as she does while watching my dad get strapped down multiple times because he’s fighting to leave the hospital because none of it makes sense to him right now, but my mom is freaking superwoman. If you are close to my mom or dad, you know how this is another huge bump in the road for them. You’d also know how this is one of many big struggles they’ve faced in the last few years. Pray. Pray every time you think of them. Pray God just wraps His arms around them and lets them know He’s there. Pray for the doctors and nurses caring for my dad. And pray for others just to be nice and patient.
My dad obviously isn’t taking phone calls and responding to texts at this time, but my mom sees everyone calling or texting him asking if he’s okay because they haven’t heard back from him in awhile - so she has asked that I write all of this. My mom is doing everything she can to respond to people. She’s dealing with multiple doctors and nurses a day, trying to continue to work, figure out bills, power of attorneys and so much more. So please just remember that and have a little grace. She does call me a lot, if you want an update just text or message me on Facebook.
My mom would do, and has done, so much for people who’ve needed it. Even when she had very little to give, she has always thought of everyone else before herself. Always. If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting her and getting to know her, I’m most certain you can think of at the VERY least a time she has helped you out or done something nice for you. Right now she needs an army of people and prayers. We all know times are weird and if all you can do is pray, please pray and don’t stop. But I’m asking for her because I know she won’t, they need help. And If you can help out in anyway at all, let me know. Some have already dropped off food for her and Clayton so they don’t have to worry about groceries or cooking. Some have sent her a Starbucks gift card and goodies just to cheer her up. She needs the help. She won’t eat right now if food isn’t easily accessible and I know she’s picking sleep over cooking and cleaning things up. I appreciate anything and everything anyone has done for them as I feel completely helpless until I can get there and help out.
With that being said, I’m trying to figure out my plans on how to get there and when. With Ben being in the army, all the travel restrictions due to COVID and my parents living in Florida - it just makes it more difficult to get there ASAP. So say some prayers for that and for when Ben has to stay at home with the kids.
Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart ❤️ We appreciate you all.
Organizer and beneficiary
Caroline Miller
Milton, FL
Carol Lilly